(IGP) CSAT Paper - II : Strategy for Comprehension
Strategy for Comprehension
In terms of Comprehension Candidate needs to improve their comprehend power as comprehension consists half of the paper. It is bilingual, Hindi and English both, daily newspaper reading could keep you in safe. The paper also gave importance to testing English language skills. A comprehension exercise consists of a passage upon which questions are set to test to candidate’s ability to understand the content of the given text and infer information and meaning from it. For doing best in comprehension one should keep few points in mind while attempting this. Firstly, read the passage thoroughly and carefully, if the meaning of the passage is not clear in very first reading then quickly go through the passage again. The meaning of the passage should be very clear and one should understand what the writer is trying to convey. Here we can find that paper one is helpful to solve, for instance in the the Passage section questions like “inclusive growth”, "creative society” ”ecosystems” are the part of 2011 paper second, which is very much part of paper one. English Language Comprehension is a major concern for hindi medium candidates they should take it seriously, a basic English grammar such as High School English Grammar & Composition by Wren and Martin could be useful.