India of my Dreams - March Open Essay Winner : Yuttika Singh
UPSCPORTAL Open Essay Competition "March 2014"
Winner Essay "Essay Topic: India of my dreams"
Yuttika Singh
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the
fear of failure.”
-Paulo Coelho
When I think about my nation, India, I feel the gush of various emotions pacing up and down my mind and heart. Some leave me with a big smile and some leave me speechless and hurt at the same time. The relationship that we share with our country is the same that we share with our mothers. We are blessed with a country so diverse; which in itself has wrapped us in her arms and nurtures us in the most beautiful way, right from the time we are born. India has given us so much selflessly- only to stand by its expectations and echo its glory in the world.
While some of us are fortunate enough to have experienced the love and care of our motherland, it is equally true that some aren’t. Looking at the conditions prevailing in our country today we can think of many solutions and yes, we have seen some people putting genuine efforts to improve the conditions. But, the big picture, the big question is with such a large population, problems of illiteracy, poverty, etc. is there any hope for a remarkable improvement? In the race of becoming ‘successful’, ‘updated’ and ‘modern’ do we really bother about the unfortunate lot of the country? Even if we do, what do we do to help them?
These questions seem really easy to answer when framed and read, but once you think about it, it seems more like a vicious circle of questions representing the plight of the poor and illiterate people. The people we look up to for defending our honour, for keeping us safe, making us educated are themselves no longer the epitomes of kindness. We have witnessed many cases where the media people, bureaucrats, politicians, etc. are guilty of offences harming our country’s reputation globally.
When I dream of India, I picture it just the way a girl pictures her life. A life full of beauty, happiness, success and romance just how they manifest its idea in Hollywood movies. It is very obvious that India has achieved in various fields post our independence. There is no field where Indians haven’t imprinted their victory and names in the hearts of people all around the world. I feel very proud to have reading newspapers where I see names like Mr Satya Nadela, Ms Mary Kom, Ms Barkha Dutt, and so many more. It gives me a feeling of ineffable happiness to know about the people who are standing for themselves, working for their country’s name and being a role model for the millions of youth.
As I dream further I think about those unprivileged people for whom the govt. should provide more facilities and assistance. We know that the major part of India’s population resides in villages, what if our rural become self – sufficient and independent. Proper supply of water, electricity and basic facilities like sanitation, medicines, etc. should be provided. Agriculture is the major occupation of people in India. We should use it as our strength for self-sufficiency, increase in exports, surplus and providing job opportunities.
When a woman, who is responsible for the development of her child and family, becomes educated it is going to affect the society as a whole. If women are encouraged to study and most importantly to speak up for themselves, India would be in a far better position. Just the idea of voting for your leader is not enough for a drastic change that we seek to take place. It is not only an issue of rural areas but urban areas as well. Do we see the equal ratio of girls and boys in our schools, at public places, driving cars, or as professionals? It is high time that we provide women for what they deserve and they stand by it. Mere thought of fear from critics of the society or their own family makes them take a step back and bury their dreams and wishes themselves. Men must begin to encourage women and supporting them rather than acting likes judges and mere spectators. We have to put a lot of efforts along with determination to convert our patriarchal society into a society respectful for everyone.
As people age they lose the hope of achieving anything in life. These are the people who could not become something on account of the situations they had to face when they were younger, who chose responsibility over their dreams. Is that the end of the world for them? No, it is never too late to learn. The government should help them pursue some kind of occupation in which they already are interested to boost their self-confidence. Counselling centres should be set up so that they do not lose the battle of life even before participating in it.
It is also important that we bridge the gap between the rich and poor. The poor keeps on becoming poorer and is exploited for fulfilling his basic needs. The disabled people are judged even before they try to speak up. The Govt. must facilitate them with education and some kind of work too so they find a meaning in their lives.
There should be an increase in the number of institutions even in the small cities so that the people who are not very capable would not have to feel helpless about their higher education. The encouragement of just any one sector of profession leads to demotivation of the youth. Girls are discouraged to opt for PhD as they think it is a waste of her time and her parents’ resources. Why are we discouraged from listening to our hearts? Is this how God wanted us to be? I do not agree when the creator made no differences then why do we discriminate among everybody and belittle others? If there would be options of institutes in various regions people would be more serious about their careers living with their parents and for that matter, disciplined too.
This is not all, it would bring about many opportunities in small towns and cities too for the youth to work and earn well. Just like the people of the West, we also want to become independent as soon as we finish our studies so that we could help our parents. It is important to note that every now and then many people migrate here and there in search of better jobs and opportunities. The cut-throat competition and pressure of better performance puts a lot of pressure on the youth.
The Govt. has to make a number of decisions in respect to the children and youth. Along with free education it should be kept in mind that India is a place of budding writers, sportsmen, dancers and so on. The Govt. must provide them with more scholarships, sponsors and facilities to create detachable strings in their dreams to become successful.
The Govt. that we depend solely on so many things, should me much more of a stronger institution. The wise people do not wish to enter into the ‘dirty’ politics but if they do not, how would there be a change? We look up to our parents because we know they are going to stand by us no matter what and this is the same that we expect from our govt. but, it has always failed to show us its support in various cases and times. We need young people with broad minds and positive attitudes, there should be a pre-decided retirement age, and conditions to enter into politics. The institution that runs the country has to be free of corruption and people with puny brains and mind-sets. Only then the women, poor and others would be respected in the country.
There are many people who use their status in a way to exploit people for example the many ‘swamis’ who get caught time-to-time for fooling people. Our country is blessed with great knowledge of astrology and rituals but it should not be done in a way to increase corruption and superstition. The knowledge must be respected as a heritage of our fore-fathers and be carried on with respect.
A check on control of liquor and other available drugs which is the cause of many accidents and deaths is important. Even the top officials and politicians promote its consumption by distributing them for free to get identity, votes, hassle-free work in various regions. The police should be paid well so that corruption including bribes stops then and there. If paid well the Indian citizens would not choose working in western countries over India, putting a halt to brain-drain.
As quoted by Erasmus, “The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth.” Well if that is, do we really realize our responsibility as the youth of our nation? The privileged and fortunate lot who get to study in the top institutions are often caught in cases of drugs, molestation, sexual harassment and so on. If education is the cure then why even the creamy layer of students from best schools and colleges are doing things least expected from them and ruining their parents’ and country’s name ?
The answers to everything wrong going on in our country is very simple - Our prejudice, upbringing, moral values, respect towards others, mentality and attitude. Even today we are judged by our caste, colour, physical appearance, sexual orientation, etc. no matter what peaks of achievements we have touched. Our characters solely judged on our personal lives, weaknesses and behaviour in the society. Have you ever known the life of a little rural girl? An innocent face with infinite hopes, dreams, eyes craving for the sight of toys, schools and lovely pink dresses. Yes, her favourite colour is pink too, that we forgot fulfilling our ‘wants’. While complaining the next time we should for once think about that widow who is cursed by the society on account of her husband’s death. The little girl who was raped even before she could realize she was turning into a woman. The parents whose child got killed in the ‘city’ trying to match the standards of the people around him.
When the morning headlines fall short of achievements; when no woman , no poor dies of agony and pain; when democracy really becomes ‘for’ the people; when the only time tears roll down a mother’s cheeks is when she celebrates her child’s victory. When the little hands get tired of writing instead of working in homes of the rich; when women could stand up for their rights without being afraid of an acid-attack; when no suicides are reported on account of poor academic performances. Where we learn from the Hindus and Muslims of Pilkhua to live together in harmony; when the youth discuss sense over fashion; the creamy layer spend on charities rather than on latest ‘status symbols’. It would be India of my dreams. Where we could breathe our last in peace and contentment.
Yuttika Singh
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