(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1981)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1981)
Q1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words, in you answer script, what you consider to be the most important
aspects of each one of them:
(a) Bhadravathi
(b) Khandwa gap
(c) Kalpakkam
(d) River Damodar
(e) MacMohan line
(f) Sivasamudram
(g) Sri Hari Kota
(h) Chukka project
(i) 100 cm (40") annual isohyets
(j) Barauni
On the map of the World provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words, in your answer script, what you consider to be the most
important aspect of each one of them.
(a) The Sargasso Sea
(b) Bay of Fundy
(c) 10ºCelsius (Centigrade) or 50ºFahrenheit isotherm for the warmest month in
the northern hemisphere
(d) Pittsburg
(e) Monte Carlo
(f) Wyville Thomson ridge
(g) Jerusalem
(h) The region of olive cultivation
(i) The bell of the doldrums
(j) Taklamakan
Q.2. Answer any three of the following, answer to each should be in about
200 words:
(a) Trans-humance
(b) Cold water coasts
(c) The typical feature in a region of limestone rocks
(d) Goods
Q.3. With particular reference to India, explain the origin of the "monsoon". Describe and account for the World distribution of monsoon climates, bringing out the significant differences between each of them.
Q.4. With suitable examples selected from different part of the World, discuss, in detail, the problems in using either language or religion as a criterion for boundary determinations.
Q.5. Present the classification of Oceanic deposits and account for the origin, types and distribution of Pelagic deposits in the World Oceans.
Q.6. Analyse the factors of localization of the cotton-textile industries, and assess how far their location has been influenced by the availability of indigenous raw materials and proximity to the markets.
Q.7. "Over two thirds of the crop land of the United States is devoted to feed crops and only slightly over one-fifth to food crops." Discuss the implications of the above statement. Explain with reasons why the conditions are totally different in India.
Q.8. Discuss the major contributions of the following eminent geographers:
(a) Sir Halford Mackinder (b) Sir Dudley Stamp
Q.1. Answer any three of the following answer to each should be in about
200 words:
(i) Definition and Scope of Economic Geography
(ii) Central Business District
(iii) Demographic Transition
(iv) Significance of Projected Profiles
Q.2. Examine the role of pull and push factors in the migration of population.
Q.3. The annual total rainfall (in cm.) of a particular station of a period
of 40 years is given below in sequential order:
(a) Calculate the standard deviation.
(b) If the years are categorised according to the following scheme, determine
the percentage of years‾ in each category:
Category | Rainfall Amount |
Exceptionally Drought Years (EDY) | Less than M - 2σ |
Moderately Drought Years (MDY) | M - 2σ to M - σ |
Normal Rainy Years (NRY) | M - 2σ to M + σ |
Moderately Rainy Years (MRY) | M + σ to M + 2σ |
Exceptionally Rainy Years (ERY) | More than M + 2σ |
Q.4. Selecting suitable standard parallels, make necessary calculations for a graticule on Simple Conic Projection with two standard parallels for an area extending from 62ºN to 78ºN and 60ºN to 80ºE on a scale of 1:10,000,000. The interval between the parallels and between the meridians is 2º.
Q.5. Answer any three of the following, answer to each should be in about 200
(a) Major Soil Types of India
(b) Trend of Population Growth in India since 1901, and Significant Contributory
(c) Rajasthan Canal Project
(d) Bases of Geographical Regionalization of India.
Q.6. Discuss the effect of relief and climate on the distribution of crops in India.
Q.7. Make an assessment of the relative significance of renewable and non-renewable energy resources of India. What suggestions would you give for solving the energy-crisis in India?
Q.8. Explain the various population problems of India and suggest as to how this large human-resource can be made useful in the economic development of the country.