(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1986)


UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1986)


Q.1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not more than ten words in your answer script, what your consider to be most important aspect of each one of them:
(a) 821/2º E meridian
(b) Siwalik Hills
(c) Haldia
(d) Mizoram
(e) Chandigarh
(f) Faraka Dam
(g) HBJ pipeline
(h) Kanya Kumari
(i) Mahanadi
(j) Dodabetta


On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more than ten words in your answer script, what you consider to be most important aspect of each one of them:
(a) Mauritius
(b) Nile
(c) Pampas
(d) Pamir
(e) Jura Mountains
(f) The Hague
(g) Niagara Falls
(h) 180º meridian
(i) Namibia
(j) Canberra

Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following, each answer should be in about 200 words:
(a) World's biotic regions
(b) Pelagic deposits
(c) Demographic transition
(d) Diffusion of innovation


Q.3. Discuss the views of W.M. Davis and Walter Penck on the cycle of erosion.

Q.4. Compare the basis of the climatic classification of Koppen with that of Thornthwaite's classification.

Q.5. Give an account of marine resources and discuss their present day utilization.


Q.6. What is meant by quantitative revolution in geography? Discuss its impact on the development of the subject.

Q.7. Define the urban sphere of influences and discuss different methods of determining the spheres of influence of cities.

Q.8. Discuss the genetic classification of international boundaries. How does it differ from the morphological classification?



Q.1. Answer any three of the following questions (in about 200 words each):
(a) The drainage systems of the two regions. Peninsular and extra-Peninsular India are very different in their character. What are these difference and way?
(b) Discuss the environmental problems regarding industrial pollution in India.
(c) Discuss briefly the utilization, distribution and production of manganese in India.
(d) Describe the programmes for management and development of forests in India under the National Forest Policy. Mention briefly the roles of other institutions in the development of forestry in the country.

Q.2. Describe the problems of production and distribution of food crops in India from the regional point of view.

Q.3. Discuss the geographical bases for rural industrialization for rural development.

Q.4. Give an account of the infrastructural factors necessary for promoting agricultural development in the dry zones of India with specific examples.


Q.5. Write short notes, in about 200 words each, on any three of the following:
(a) Development of Railway transport in India during different plan periods.
(b) Functional and hierarchical patterns of Indian cities.
(c) Aluminium industry in India.
(d) Regional Planning in India.

Q.6. Discuss the location, present situation and future prospects of the jute industry in India.

Q.7. What is an industrial complex? Describe the growth, problems and prospects of any major industrial complex in India.

Q.8. Examine the geographical bases for growth of regional consciousness and regionalism during last three decades in India.