(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1987)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1987)
Q.1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not
more than ten words in your answer book, what you consider to be most important
aspect of each one of them:
(a) Kodaikanal
(b) Bhubaneshwar
(c) Cauvery
(d) Aravalli Hills
(e) Arunachal Pradesh
(f) Hirakund Dam
(g) Shipki Pass
(h) Sriharikota
(i) Bharatpur
(j) Digboi
On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words in your answer script, what you consider to be most important
aspect of each one of them:
(a) Appalachian Mountains
(b) Fiji Islands
(c) Tropic of Capricorn
(d) Vienna
(e) Zimbabwe
(f) Nicaragua
(g) Gobi Desert
(h) Mekong
(i) Patagonia
(j) Palk Strait
Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following. Each answer should
be in about 200 words:
(a) Characteristics of monsoon forests
(b) Systems approach in geography
(c) Concepts of nation and state
(d) Theories of agricultural location.
Q.3. Give a reasoned account of the contents of the Atlantic Ocean and their impact on the climatic conditions of the coastal regions.
Q.4. Discuss critically the characteristics of tropical cyclones and analyse the extent to which they differ from the temperate cyclones.
Q.5. Discuss the evolution and characteristics of the land forms of graciated regions.
Q.6. Give an account of the existing distributional pattern of population in the world and give your assessment regarding the importance of geographical factors for such a pattern.
Q.7. Examine the various theories concerning the internal structure of cities and discuss how far they are applicable to Indian cities.
Q.8. Give an account of the pattern of international trade and examine the linkages between resource endowed regions and resource utilizing regions.
Q.1. Answer any three of the following question (in about 200 words each):
(a) Give the salient features of the Aravallis is with respect to geologic
structure, relief and impact on human settlements.
(b) Discuss the ecological problems associated with the use of river water
resources in India.
(c) Outline the impact of land reform measures on agricultural development in
(d) Indicate the criteria of identification, demarcate the industrially backward
areas of India and enumerate the main hurdles in their development.
Q.2. Analyse the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. How are the spatial temporal variations and vicissitudes in precipitation related to this mechanism?
Q.3. Discuss the population problem of India in regional perspective and make specific suggestions for tackling the problem with respect to the broad population regions.
Q.4. Outline the agricultural regions of India indicating the bases of regionalization. Bring out the factors responsible for the emergence of different crop combination in different regions.
Q.5. Write short notes, in about 200 words each, on any three of the
(a) Functional and Morphological Typology of Indian cities
(b) Agro-based Industries of India
(c) Centre-State relations and multi-level planning in India
(d) Geopolitical significance of Industrial Policy in Indian Ocean
Q.6. Trace the evolution of Industrial Policy in India and bring on its impact on industrial development of the country.
Q.7. Discuss the significance, traffic flow pattern, emerging trends and problems of road transport in India.
Q.8. Analyse the causes and consequences of regional disparity in the economic development of India and outline measures to reduce disparity.