(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1991)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1991)
Q.1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not
more than ten words in your answer script, what you consider to be most
important aspect of each one of them:
(a) Bhadravati
(b) Chumbi Valley
(c) Lakshadweep
(d) Palk Strait
(e) Hirakund Reservoir
(f) Parasnath HILL
(g) Port Blair
(h) Main Boundary Fault
(i) Bombay High
(j) Area receiving less than 25cm (10) rainfall.
On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words in your answer script, what you consider to be most important
aspect of each one of them:
(a) Caucasus Mountains
(b) Iceland
(c) Lake Chad
(d) Taklamakan Desert
(e) Lianos
(f) Gulf Stream
(g) Maldives
(h) Great Barrier Reef
(i) Danube River
(j) Caracas
Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should
be in about 200 words).
(a) Polycyclic landforms
(b) Hydrological cycle
(c) World energy crisis
(d) Concept of 'Limits to Growth'
Q.3. Analyse the sequential development of landforms in either Karst or Coastal region.
Q.4. Draw a hypsographic curve to represent the major physicographic units of the ocean and comment on their permanency.
Q.5. Explain the origin, distribution and characteristics of tropical cyclones.
Q.6. Explain the major contribution by Arab geographers of the early medieval period in the development of geographic thought.
Q.7. Trace and account for the various trends of population growth in the world during the present century.
Q.8. Examine the world patterns of industrial development and explain the problems of industrial development of national levels.
Q.1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Explain the origin and consequences of earthquakes in the Himalayas with
special reference to the Uttarkashi earth quake 1991.
(b) Analyse the extent of urban population growth in India in the last four
(c) Critically examine the relationship between deforestation and environmental
degradation with specific examples from any one region in India.
(d) What is meant by Operation Flood? Discuss the manner of its implementation
and its success in India.
Q.2. Elucidate the character of the Himalayan Rivers and examine their role in the Indian plains.
Q.3. Identify the major tribal communities in India by regions and examine the problems common to all of them and the ways of their solution.
Q.4. Discuss the role of animal husbandry in the agricultural economy of India with special reference to any one region.
Q.5. Write short notes in about 200 words each, on any three of the
(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Industrial Centralisation
with specific examples.
(b) Give an account of the major groups of agro based industries of India.
Critically examine their contribution to regional economy and rural employment.
(c) Explain the basis and characteristics of Dispersed Settlements in the N.E.
Region of India.
(d) Discuss the political issued involved in the Tin Bigha or Siachen dispute.
Q.6. Analyse the role of different types of transport in the commodity flows of the Delta regions of East India.
Q.7. Explain the hierarchical pattern of Indian cities and discuss their growth and distribution.
Q.8. Discuss the changes brought about in Indian agriculture by the successive Five-Year Plans, mentioning their successes and failures.