(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1993)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1993)
Q.1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not
more than ten words in your answer-book what you consider the most significant
aspect of each one of them:-
(a) Pokaran
(b) Banihal
(c) Kolleru Lake
(d) Minicoy Is.
(e) Maikal Range
(f) Sabarmati River
(g) Nunmati
(h) Bababudan Hills
(i) Singrauli Coalfield
(j) 35ºC June Isotherm
On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words in your answer-book what you consider the most significant aspect
of each one of them:-
(a) Great Dividing Range
(b) Cyprus
(c) Yellow Sea
(d) Rub-al-Khali
(e) Selvas
(f) Agulhas Current
(g) Laurentian Plateau
(h) Str. Of Gibralltar
(i) Rhine River
(j) Hammerfest
Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should
be in about 200 words):
(a) Treppen concept
(b) Biotic succession
(c) Measures of agricultural efficiency
(d) System approach in Geography
Q.3. Discuss, with examples, the influence of volcanism and diastrophism on the evolution of landscape.
Q.4. Give a reasoned account of the distribution of salinity in the oceans and partially enclosed seas.
Q.5. Define ecosystem and describe briefly its various components. Also discuss how and to what extent the modern man has affected the various types of ecosystems.
Q.6. Discuss the major international streams of migration in the world in recent times and account for the relationship that exists between population pressure areas and migration prospects.
Q.7. Define umland and discuss, with specific examples, the criteria for its delimitation.
Q.8. Give an account of the agricultural typology of the world as presented by Whittlesey and critically examine the parameters used in its delineation.
Candidates should attempt Q. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks
Q.1. Answer any three of the following in about 250 words each:
(a) Explain the geographical factors responsible for the growth of mangrove
vegetation in India and discuss its role in coastal ecology.
(b) Elucidate the current population policy of India and comment on its
(c) Explain the role of institutional factors in the development of agriculture
in India
(d) Analyses the changes in the literacy rate during the post independence
period in India.
Q.2. 'India presents an example of unity in diversity.' Elucidate this statement in this context of India's physical and human aspects.
Q.3. Delineate the flood prone areas of India by drawing a sketch map in the answer book and discuss the causes and consequences of floods in the North Indian plains.
Q.4. Critically examine the marine resources of India and discuss the problems encountered in their development.
Q.5. Write short notes in about 200 words each, on any three of the
(a) Growth of agro-based industries in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
(b) Role and characteristics of rural market centres in different parts of
(c) Distinguishing features of an urban slum and its position in metropolitan
(d) Major causes for regional disparities in the development of India.
Q.6. Identify the important periods of industrialisation in India and analyse the character of its two most developed industrial regions.
Q.7. Discuss briefly the overall pattern of inter-regional trade in India.
Q.8. Examine critically the geographical basis of the Indian federation.