(Paper) UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1996)
UPSC Mains Geography Previous Year Question Paper (1996)
Q.1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not
more than ten words in your answer-book what you consider to be the most
significant aspect of each one of them:-
(a) Malwa Plateau
(b) Pamban Island
(c) Zaskar Range
(d) The Godavari
(e) Koyana Project
(f) Gold mines of India
(g) Ranthambore
(h) Barauni
(i) Nanda Devi biosphere
(j) Rourkela
On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more
than ten words in your answer-book what you consider to be the most significant
aspect of each one of them:-
(a) Caribbean Sea
(b) Atlas Mountain
(c) River Rio Grande
(d) Jiticaca
(e) Paris
(f) Canaries Current
(g) Ouagadougou
(h) Verkhoyansk
(i) Mauritius
(j) Melbourne
Q.2. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should
be in about 200 words):
(a) Growth of population and food resources of the world
(b) Desertification and its preventive measures
(c) Globalization of trade and industry
(d) Man and the Amazon rainforest
Q.3. Discuss the processes of mechanical and chemical weathering and show their relationship with soil formation.
Q.4. Examine critically the drawbacks of Koppen's Classification of climates. Explain how Thornthwaite attempted to overcome Koppen's limitations.
Q.5. Explain and illustrate the ocean floor topography and give a detailed account of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Q.6. "The emergence of Behavioural Geography was due to the disillusionment with axioms on which models were based and the axioms were far removed from reality." Comment.
Q.7. Examine the bases of classification of agricultural regions as proposed by Whittlesey and explain the causes for the essential different between intensive subsistence tillage with rice dominant and without rice in the crop association.
Q.8. Without the Mediterranean Europe could not be held, with out the Middle East the Mediterranean could not be held. Discuss.
Q.1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Examine the origin and characteristics of the antecedent drainage system
of the Himalayas.
(b) Explain the criteria used in the identification of drought-prone areas in
(c) Discuss the distribution and characteristics of the evergreen forest in
(d) Elucidate the genesis of ethnic and cultural diversities in India.
Q.2. Draw a sketch-map in your answer book to delineate the main climatic regions of India and discuss the important climatic characteristics of each region.
Q.3. Critically examine the metalliferous mineral resources of India with particular reference to their present and future demands.
Q.4. Discuss the importance of irrigation in Indian Agriculture and describe the methods of irrigation practised in either the Ganga Valley or the Karnataka-Maharashtra region.
Q.5. Write short notes in about 200 words each on any three of the
(a) Geographical impediments in the development of inland waterways in India
(b) Factors for the growth of slums in the metropolitan cities of India.
(c) Magnitude of regional imbalances in economic development in India.
(d) Geographical basis of the Indian Federation.
Q.6. Analyse the factors for the localization of either the cotton textile or the sugar industry in India and note the recent trends in the industry.
Q.7. Name the million cities of India according 2001 census and critically examine the factors for unprecedented growth in their population in the last 50 years.
Q.8. Explain the salient features of the tribal development programme with particular reference to either Dandakaranya or Chotanagpur.