(Paper) CDS: English Ordering of Sentences Solved Exam Paper (I) - 2006
Combined Defence Services
General English Solved Paper I: 2006
Directions: (For the 10 items which follows): In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given in the, beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet. Example ‘X’ has been solved for you.
X. S1 : There was a boy named Jack.
S6 : At last she turned him out of the house.
P : So the mother asked him to find work.
Q : They were very poor.
R : He lived with his mother.
S : But Jack refused to work.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - Q - P - S (b) P - Q - R - S
(c) Q - P - R - S (d) R - P - S - Q
Explanation: The correct sequence in this example is R - Q - P - S which is marked by
(a) . Therefore,
(a) is the correct answer.
1. S1 : I have been teaching in this college for last ten years.
S6 : My hard work and honest ef for ts ultimately won the favour of the teachers and the students.
P : But I worked hard.
Q : I was thought to be a third-rate teacher.
R : Now I am a popular teacher and everyone likes me but there was a time no one liked me.
S : I knew that hard work always pays.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - Q - P - S (b) P - S - R - Q
(c) R - S - P - Q (d) P - Q - R - S
2. S1 : For a long time, I could not decide whether I should speak to her or not.
S6: At last I moved my lips and told her that her father had passed away.
P : She was anxious to know about her father.
Q : I knew she would start weeping.
R : She looked towards me with anxious eyes.
S : I could not tell her that her father had died before the doctor arrived.
Which one of the following is the correctsequence ?
(a) P - R - Q - S (b) S - Q - R - P
(c) P - Q - R - S (d) S - R - Q - P
3. S1 : All who ever took a pen in hand must have at some�time felt baffled.
S6: So it is always well to be as certain as possible about the facts or opinions which one means to put on paper.
P : A common reason is that the writer has not tidied up his thoughts in advance.
Q : Perhaps they do not really know what they mean; very often they have not got their ideas properly sorted out before they started to write.
R : There are several causes for that vexing condition.
S : People often say “I know what I mean, but I can’t say it.”
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - S - P - R (b) R - P - S - Q
(c) Q - P - S - R (d) R - S - P - Q
4. S1 : In 1882, a young man from Bengal travelled to Karwar to holiday with his brother.
S6 : Even now, it’s easy to see what inspired Tagore.
P : The playwright ?
Q : So bewitched was the youth, he wrote his f i rst play, a masterpiece t i t led Prakritik Pratisodh.
R : A revolutionary called Rabindranath Tagore.
S : He arrived to find the most beautiful rendezvous of water and land he had ever seen.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - Q - S - R (b) S - R - P - Q
(c) P - R - S - Q (d) S - Q - P - R
5. S1 : Yet, we have as a people shown great resilience.
S6 : The question is how we can integrate better as a society so that march towards economic freedom and world power status is aided, not hampered.
P : Despite the yawning disparity in the Indian society, we have a very high level of satisfaction quotient.
Q : Our belief in our collective destiny has never been in doubt.
R : This is true even when the Indian society is compared with those of developed nations.
S : Always accommodating and reinventing to make things work.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) S - Q - P - R (b) R - P - Q - S
(c) S - P - Q - R (d) R - Q - P - S
6. S1 : Indian cities are facing an enormous disparity between demand and supply of vital services and infrastructure.
S6 : This requires huge investments.
P : Water supply, waste disposal, transport, power, housing and sanitation are some of the areas of concern.
Q : We have to aggressi vely work at enhancing both our physical and social infrastructure.
R : Infrastructure is not just about roads, drains and water supply.
S : Housing, schools and hospitals form the fabric of our social infrastructure.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - S - R - Q (b) Q - R - S - P
(c) P - R - S - Q (d) Q - S - R - P
7. S1 : If you are unable to sleep well, often wake up at night, then you are suffering from a sleep disorder.
S6 : Not many people realise that they have a sleep disorder, which can lead to several health problems.
P : Sleep disorder can be dangerous and gets worse as you age.
Q : There is documented evidence of accident s, less w or k output and depression due to sleep disorders.
R : Not only does sleep disorder result in sleep depr i vat ion, but i t can also threaten your life.
S : According to experts, sleep disorder is a major health hazard and has been found to be worse than drunken driving.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - Q - P - S (b) S - P - Q - R
(c) R - P - Q - S (d) S - Q - P - R
8. S1 : There were four major wars between Peru and Equador for 57 years and thousands of people died.
S6 : Not one shot has been fired since 1998.
P : Now, thousands of people visit this beautiful park every month.
Q : I suggested a peace proposal that the disputed territory should be converted into a national park and managed by both the countries.
R : Thereafter, the disputed territory was converted into a National Peace Park and both countries planted trees there.
S : After three years of negotiations, both the countries signed the peace agreement in1998.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - S - R - P (b) R - P - Q - S
(c) Q - P - R - S (d) R - S - Q - P
9. S1 : Fitness of the body requires a balanced lifestyle.
S6 : There is no need for expensive medicines and its side effects.
P : Besides balanced lifestyle, there is a need to daily practice of yogasanas.
Q : Many illnesses are prevented when we lead a balanced life.
R : This will keep practitioners fit, diseasefree and lively.
S : Pr ime reasons for di seases ar e imbalances in our food, sleep, thought and other habits.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - R - Q - S (b) Q - S - P - R
(c) P - S - Q - R (d) Q - R - P - S
10. S1 : Br ian Lar a has become the most productive batsman in the long history of test cricket.
S6 : A trot to the bowler ’s end and the deed was done.
P : It was a clever stroke created as if upon a whim and yet calculated.
Q : A delicate glance to fine leg was all it took to pass 11,174 notches collected by A lan Bor der dur ing hi s lengthy occupation.
R : Certainly, he knew the exact position of the fieldsman.
S : Lara seemed to anticipate the length and direction of the ball.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - P - S - R (b) S - R - Q - P
(c) Q - R - S - P (d) S - P - Q - R
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