(Paper) CDS: English Ordering of Sentences Solved Exam Paper (II) : 2006
Combined Defence Services
CDS General English Solved Paper (II) : 2006
Directions (For the 15 items which follow): In the following items, each passage consists of sixsentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet. Example ‘X’ has been solved for you. X. S1 : There was a boy named Jack.
S6 : At last she turned him out of the house.1
P : So the mother asked him to find work.
Q : They were very poor.
R : He lived with his mother. S : But Jack refused to work
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) R Q P S (b) P Q R S
(c) Q P R S (d) R P S Q
The correct sequence in this example is
R Q P S which is marked by (a). Therefore,(a) is the correct answer.
1. S1 : Music is one of the oldest and finest forms of human expression.
S6 : Thi s style gav e an ent i rel y new dimension to Hindustani classical music tratidition.
P : A new form of Hindustani music known as Khayal emerged during the 13th and 14th centuries.
Q : This has led to the existence of family traditions called gharanas.
R : Music can be divided into Western classical, Hindustani classical, Carnatic classical, Folk etc.
S : The main schools of classical music, Hindustani and the Carnatic, continue to survive through oral tradition being passed on by teachers to disciples.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) S R Q P (b) R S P Q
(c) R S Q P (d) S R P Q
2. S1 : Scientific inventions and discoveries are important because they lead to the creation of mechanisms and artefacts which improve our living conditions.
S6 : Rocketry and missiles opened the wayfor space exploration and the epochal landing of man on the Moon.
P : All these invensions have turned out to be quite beneficial in peace time.
Q : Inventions and discoveries come about sometimes by accident but mostly by design.
R : Most of the discoveries in the 20th century were the results of purposeful inv est igat ions, though some l ike penicillin were discovered accidentally.
S : Roentgen discovered X-ray by accident but the Curies laboriously pursued the radium and discovered it eventually in 1898.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) Q R R P (b) S Q P R
(c) Q S P R (d) S Q R P
3. S1 : The Indians are found in 136 countries a geographic spread that is unmatched.
S6 : In the beginning of the millenium there were three Presidents, two Pr ime Ministers and over 300 legislators of Indian origin all over the world.
P : Many of the Indians besides being leading professionals have also made a mark in the political structures in their host countries.
Q : People of Indian origin constitute more than forty per cent of the population in Fiji, Mauritius, Guyana and Suriname.
R : In forty countries the Indian population exceeds 500000.
S : There are small minorities in countries like Malaysia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Uganda.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) R S P Q (b) S P R Q
(c) R Q S P (d) S P Q R
4. S1 : The great advantage of early rising is that one can start one’s work long before others.
S6 : Exercise supplies a person with a good deal of energy that enables him to work hard until evening.
P : A lso, one f inds t ime to take some exercise in the fresh morning air.
Q : The early riser has done a large amount of work before other men have got out of bed.
R : The work done at that time is generally done well.
S : In the early morning the mind is fresh and no sounds or noises disturb our attention.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) R P Q S (b) Q S R P
(c) R S Q P (d) Q P R S
5. S1 : The first time the German airplanes came over London during the FirstWorld War was a Saturday afternoon.
S6 : We all dashed out into the street to look at them.
P : I was alone in the house wi th the servants.
Q : Suddenl y people began shout ing “German airplanes”.
R : It was broad daylight.
S : The rest of the family had gone down to the countryside for the weekend.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) S P R Q (b) R Q S P
(c) S Q R P (d) R P S Q
6. S1 : All plants that grow in the desert are cleverly equipped to withstand the heat and make full use of what little water exists.
S6 : The great networks of roots, which remain close to the surface soak quickly any water that reach them.
P : However, there are occasional showers. but much of the water runs off swiftly instead of sinking into the ground.
Q : Cacti and other succulents be brilliantly solve the problem of story of water.
R : Instead of leaves, they hae extensive root system which is their life-savers.
S: In the desert, soil temperatures may rise to very high level and the soil is often bone dry.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) S P Q R (b) Q R S P
(c) S R Q P (d) Q P S R
7. S1 : The physi cian must be ext remely cautious.
S6 : No one is perfect.
P : Even a slight misjudgement may result in a permanent affliction or even death.
Q : He must be cautious in his diagnosis and in his treatment of the patient’s malady.
R : This is why doctors carry malpractice insurance so that if they do make a mistake they do not have to pay the patient out of their pockets.
S : This is not being mercenary, since doctors are only human, and as the poet says, “to er r is human; to forgive divine”.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) Q R P S (b) S P R Q
(c) Q P R S (d) S R P Q
8. S6 : When reading a letter in knotwriting a person had to take into account how thick was the cord and what sort of knot was made.
P : This was used in China, Persia, Mexicoand Peru.
Q : Knots of coloured cords were made on sticks.
R : ‘hen a knot was made near the stick, this was a sign that what was being said was specially important.
S : One of these systems was knotwriting.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) S P Q R (b) Q R S P
(c) S R Q P (d) Q P S R
9. S6 : The chickens became better if they were fed on unpolished rice.
P : In 1882, a doctor in the Japanese Navy discovered that beri-beri could be cured by eating barley instead of rice.
Q : The sailors were the victims of a lack of vitamins found on the husk of a grain of rice.
R : A bout twenty years later, another doctor, working in a prison of Java found that chickens fed on polished ricecontracted disease that resembled heriberi.
S : The doctor had noticed that many Japanese sailors ate a lot of polished rice and they contracted a disease similar to beri-beri.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) Q S P R (b) P R Q S
(c) Q R P S (d) P S Q R
10. S1 : Species that escape exstinetion tend to be clever opportunists, such as housefly, rat, English sparrow and plants like weeds.
S6 : Soon cats were dying on al l sides, whereupon rats, which had not been a problem so long as there w ere a problem so long as there were plenty of cats, enjoyed a field day.
P : But predators and parasites too can be sensitive to man’s incursions
Q : The floors were soon littered with flies, supplying a feast for lizards and other f ly cat cher s- w hi ch w ere in tur n poisoned by the DDT and supplied a further feast for local cats.
R : Normally these species are prevented from breeding to pest proportions by predators and parasites.
S : Consider the domino effect unleashed when the government in Borneo tried to control mosquitoes and drenched the villagers’ dwelling with DDT.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) Q P S R (b) R S P Q
(c) Q S P R (d) R P S Q
11. S1 : I have long laboured under a dark suspicion that I am an idle person.
S6 : I defend myself by attacking myself and claim a verdict of not guity by the candour of my confession of guilt.
P : I f I had chance to ment ion i t in conversation, I do not expect to be believed.
Q : The art of defence is attack.
R : I announce that I am idle, in fact, to prevent the idea spreading that I am idle.
S : It is an entirely private suspicion.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) Q P Q R (b) S P Q R
(c) P S R Q (d) S P R Q
12. S1 : Along with two other officers, I made a futile attempt to escape on December 11.
S6 : I seized the golden moment and put it to good use.
P : All of a sudden, one sentry turned, walked up to his comrade and began to talk to him.
Q : The twelfth December was wearing away and I w as becoming both desponent and desperate.
R : The real problem was that of climbing the wall, for then one became clearly visible to the two sentries.
S : Through a hole I kept a watch on the sentries.
Which one of the following is tier correct sequence?
(a) Q P S R (b) S R Q P
(c) Q R S P (d) S P Q R
13. S1 : April 14 was Good Friday. S6 : They arrived late and were given an ovation.
P : Theatres, for example, were open Is usual.
Q : It was not observed in the United States with the same general suspension of worldly activities as in Europe.
R : His wife and some friends accompanied him.
S : Lincoln decided that he would attend Ford’s Theatre in Washington that night to see a humorous piece.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) Q P S R (b) R S P Q
(c) Q S P R (d) R P S Q
14. S1 : I wanted to avoid violence.
S6 : I had either to submit to the tyranny of the British Government or to the fury of my people.
P : I still want to avoid violence.
Q : But I had to make my choice.
R : Non-violence is the first article of my faith.
S : It is also the last article of my creed.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) S Q P R (b) P R S Q
(c) S R P Q (d) P Q S R
15. S1 : Printing is a device for multiplying what is written by making copies of it.
S6 : So far as Europe is concerned, type was first used in Holland.
P : Li ttle metal letters called type, are arranged in such a way as to form the words that you want to print.
Q : The inked letters leave their marks upon the paper and these marks are the printed words.
R : The letters are then inked over and sheets of paper are pressed down tight upon them.
S : As many copies can be made of what is printed as there are sheets of paper.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence?
(a) P S Q R (b) Q R P S
(c) P R Q S (d) Q S P R
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