(Paper) CDS: English Ordering of Words in a Sentence Solved Exam Paper (I) : 2006
Combined Defence Services
CDS General English Solved Paper (I) : 2006
Directions (For the 16 items which follows): In the following items, some parts of the sentence hay been jumbled up. You are required to re-arrange these parts which are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence and mar in your Answer Sheet accordingly.
Example ‘Z’ has been solved for you Z. It is well-known that
the effect is very bad on children of cinema
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - S - R - Q
(b) S - R - Q - R
(c) S - R - P - Q
(d) Q - S - R - P
Explanation: The proper way of writing the sentence is “It is well-known that the effect of cinema on children is very bad.” This is indicated by the sequence P - S - R - Q and so (a) is the correct answer.
1. Even today,
line to save the forests
it is the committed minority in the firing
(Q) (R)
of forest officers who stand
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - S - R - Q
(b) Q - R - S - P
(c) P - R - S - Q
(d) Q - S - R - P
2. Our society has got used
and is unable to tolerate even statements of fact to
(Q) (R)
sweeping issues under the carpet
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - R - P - S
(b) P - S - Q - R
(c) Q - S - P - R
(d) P - R - Q - S
3. Not only in India,
against the patriarchal order women had to struggle
(P) (Q)
to get into parliament in significant number but elsewhere in the world too
(R) (S)
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) S - P - Q - R
(b) R - Q - P - S
(c) S - Q - P - R
(d) R - P - Q - S
4. One of the central,
issues taken up by the G8 Summit
in the context of climate change
at Gleneagles is the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emission
and most contentious
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) S - P - R - Q
(b) Q - R - P - S
(c) S - R - P - Q
(d) Q - P - R - S
5. Technology helps
unskilled to skilled work and thereby
to achieve a paradigm shift from
move large numbers of the rural poor
from the primary to the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economic activity
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) S - R - P - Q
(b) Q - P - R - S
(c) S - P - R - Q
(d) Q - R - P - S
6. It does seem funny
when the existing ones to tackle public smoking
the new laws on curbing indirect
influences of smoking are being formulated
have not been effectively implemented
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - S - P - R
(b) P - R - Q - S
(c) Q - R - P - S
(d) P - S - Q - R
7. The huge expenditure into building state - of - the - art laboratories
on research and development has mostly gone
but India is still lagging behind when it comes to innovatic
buying new gadgetry, updating tools of research
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - P - S - R
(b) R - S - P - Q
(c) Q - S - P - R
(d) R - P - S - Q
8. ISRO’s upcoming direct to most Indian homes
is expected to be the spur for beaming TV channels
to be launched in mid - December
power - packed satellite IN SAT - 4A
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - R - Q - S
(b) S - Q - R - P
(c) P - Q - R - S
(d) S - R - Q - P
9. There is the regulatory framework laws
increase activity in India and services to help
(Q) (R)
also the need to improve
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) S - P - R - Q
(b) R - Q - S - P
(c) S - Q - R - P
(d) R - P - S - Q
10. The new technology
of Industrialised countries in scientific
may also weaken the dominance
and technological innovations in favour of
the less wealthy but technology- savvy nations
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - P - Q - S
(b) Q - S - R - P
(c) R - S - Q - P
(d) Q - P - R - S
11. Clearly,system in India thrives on learning by rote
culture runs deep because the education
and downplays questioning
lack of intellectual property
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - P - Q - S
(b) S - Q - P - R
(c) R - Q - P - S
(d) S - P - Q - R
12.What is missing
that has increasingly led to a drift of
stream to engineering and technology
talent from the pure science
though, is scientific temper
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) S - R - P - Q
(b) Q - P - R - S
(c) S - P - R - Q
(d) Q - R - P - S
13. In the psychologists, psychiatrists and social
in marriage counselling in India
t rained in counsel l ing act as mar r iage
absence of any certification
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) P - R - S - Q
(b) S - Q - P - R
(c) P - Q - S - R
(d) S - R - P - Q
14.When the year ago, the extent of damage it
Tsunami hit the coastline of Nagapattinam
caused to agr i cul tur al land w as
in Tamil Nadu more than a
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - S - Q - P
(b) Q - P - R - S
(c) R - P - Q - S
(d) Q - S - P - R
15. The fall in
Forest Department find hard to live down
the number of tigers in two key reserves
the State Government and its
in Rajasthan is a scandal
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) Q - S - R - P
(b) P - R - S - Q
(c) Q - R - S - P
(d) P - S - R - Q
16. An apolitical
of conviction, K. R. Narayanan has left
and no controversies
President with the courage
behind a virtuous life
Which one of the following is the correct sequence ?
(a) R - Q - S - P (b) S - P - R - Q
(c) R - P - S - Q (d) S - Q - R - P
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