(Paper) CDS: English Spotting Errors Solved Exam Paper (I) : 2007
Combined Defence Services
CDS General English Solved Paper (I) : 2007
Directions (For the 15 items which follows): In the section a number of sentences are given. The sentences are underlined in three separate parts and each one is labelled (a), (b) and (c) . Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any underlined part. No sentence has more than one error. When you find an error in any one of the underlined parts (a), (b) or (c), indicate your response on the separate Answer Sheet at the appropriate space. You may feel that there is no error in a sentence. In that case letter (d) will signify a ‘No error’ response.You are to indicate only oneresponse for each item in your Answer Sheet. (If you indicate more than one response, your answer will be considered wrong.) Errors may be in grammar, word usage or idioms. There may be a word missing or there may be a word which should be removed. You are not required to correct the error. You are required only to indicate your response on the Answer Sheet.
Examples ‘P’ and ‘Q’ have been solved for you.
P. The young child singed a very sweet song.
(a) (b) (c)
No error.
Q. We worked very hard throughout the season.
(a) (b) (c)
No error.
In item P, the word ‘singed’ is wrong. The letter under this part is (b); so (b) is the correct answer. Similarly, for item Q, (d) is the correct answer, as the sentence doesnot contain any error.
1. The street lights come in at dusk and
(a) (b)
go off at dawn. No error.
(c) (d)
2. Two of the mountain climbers
were suffering with frost-bite. No error.
(b) (c) (d)
3. Although there was still
a faint heartbeat, the patient was
for all intents and purposes dead. No error.
(c) (d)
4.When the rules for police procedure
were laid up a lot of grey areas remained.
(b) (c)
No error.
5. Anurag is eclipsed by his wife
who is much cleverer and
more amusing than he is. No error.
(c) (d)
6. The company took a gamble by
cutting the price of its products
and it paid up. No error.
(c) (d)
7. She claimed to have
seen manifestations of dead people
in the haunted house. No error.
(c) (d)
8. It’s difficult to make friends
with her, she’s constantly
in the offensive. No error.
(c) (d)
9. I needed that money so desperately, it was
(a) (b)
like manna from heaven when it arrived.
No error.
10. I can’t see much likelihood between
(a) (b)
him and his father. No error.
(c) (d)
11. The world today is totally
different than we have seen
in the last century. No error.
(c) (d)
12. Of all the teachers I have ever met
Dr. Subramaniam is the
most remarkable teacher. No error.
(c) (d)
13. The moral of the entire novel
is how money doesn’t make you happy.
(b) (c)
No error.
14. That store hadn’t hardly any of those goods.
(a) (b) (c)
No error.
15.Meals will be served outside on the terrace
(a) (b)
weather allowing. No error.
(c) (d)
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