Premium Membership at just Rs.200/month
UPSCPORTAL Premium Membership
Dear Aspirants,
As you know that Civil Services is the most coveted job option across India. Each year applications for IAS Exams are overwhelming. About 4 Lakh aspirants appear in Civil Services (IAS) examination every year for just 1000 seats. So you can understand there is a cut throat competition.
IAS Prelims Examination consists two papers each having 200 marks. The syllabus of General Studies (1st Paper) includes History, Social Development, Polity, Current Affairs, Environment Ecology etc. It is very essential to clear the IAS Prelims in order to reach the IAS mains exam.
If you will analyze the previous two year G.S. questions paper you will find that UPSC demands, depth and clear view to solve every question. There is no short cut way to crack UPSC Exams.
But there are below types of problems generally faced by a candidates:
- Lack of appropriate material (Like Hindu, Yojana, Economic Survey) in single place.
- Figuring Out : What is relevant for examination point of view.
- Support system to guide Aspirant throughout the year.
To solve this problem you can join this UPSCPORTAL Premium Membership for IAS Exam. By this Membership you can cover General Studies, Current Affairs, clear your doubts from IAS Experts and Get relevant Study Material from time to time.
1. What you will get:
Current Affairs Magazine (Monthly Print Copy).
Current Affairs MCQs (Included in Monthly Magazine).
Gist of Yojana, Kurukshetra, PIB, The Hindu, Science Reporter, Miscellaneous (Monthly Print Copy)
Access to Online Learning Platform for Premium Material Downloads.
Special Discount on other products, like Study Kits.
Telephonic Guidance for 1 Year
2. How Premium membership will Help You?
Gist of the The Hindu Newspaper : simply reading The Hindu will not help you in the examination. But as an UPSC aspirant (Specially Fresher), its an tedious task to find relevant & useful material in a simple language, our Gist of The Hindu will fulfill your need. (Sample Material)
Gist of the Yojana Magazine: we provide you, yojna magazine’s material in a Question-Answer & Bullet form in simple to digest language. (Sample Material)
Gist of Kurukshetra Magazine: Rural India’s development & impact of government’s plan in lucid language.(Sample Material)
Gist of Science Reporter: Relevant Science & technology updates.(Sample Material)
Gist of Press Information Bureau (PIB) releases: Government of India’s News, Initiative and various sector’s update.(Sample Material)
Premium membership will cover all monthly Current Affairs material required for IAS/CSAT Exam. It will help you in General Studies Paper of IAS (Pre) & will help you in building solid foundation for Civil Services Main examination. It’s true that if you will be in touch with Premium material it will give you midas touch of information which you can use in Polity, SCT, Pub-Ad & other subjects.
3. Duration :
This is an Yearly Membership which means from joining date to 1 Year subscription
4. Joining Fee : Rs. 3,000 (2499) Only!
Above Fees is for Full Year. which is just 208 Rs per Month for 12 Months.
5. Objectives :
Provide Good Materials on a single platform with 1 Year guidance.
6. Optional :
call and get Any Study Material related to Civil Services Examination**.
Hard Copies will not be
dispatched to the Remote Areas or those areas where courier or Indian
Post Service is not available.
- We will provide them only soft copy of Civil Services Mentor & The Gist Magazine Monthly.