Public Administration Mains 2019 : Solved Paper-2 (Question: 7)
Public Administration Mains 2019 : Solved Paper Question Paper-2 (Question-7)
Q1.(a) “The National Policy on Disaster Management envisages a paradigm shift from hitherto reactive post-disaster relief centric regime to more pro-active and enabling environment. Examine the responses of State Governments in this regards. 20 Marks
ANSWER: The National Policy envisaged a paradigm shift from the hitherto reactive postdisaster relief-centric regime to a more proactive and enabling environment of strengthened disaster preparedness, mitigation and improved emergency response capacities of all stakeholder groups. Mandated by the enactment of the Disaster Management Act 2005, institutional mechanisms like the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) chaired by the Prime Minister of India at the national level, State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs)chaired by the Chief Ministers ofthe respective State Governments atthe state level and District DisasterManagement Authorities (DDMAs)chaired by the respective District Collectors and co-chaired by the Sabhapatis of the Zilla Parishads at the district level were established.
However, in many cases, these institutions are not active and operational except a few honorable exceptions. Similarly, even though the Disaster Management Act 2005 stipulated the setting up of the Disaster Response Fund and the Disaster Mitigation Fund at national, state and district levels,only the National and State Disaster Response Funds have become operational till now. The increasing frequency and damage to property, assets and infrastructure caused by recurring disasters makes it imperative that the provisions of the Disaster Management Act 2005 are enforced in letter and spirit.
Good governance and responsive administration have to be seen as non-negotiable features of a dynamic process of effective interface with the communities at risk from the devastating impact of disasters. This process must be driven by transparency and accountability of public functionaries and their ownership of the transition to the paradigm shift rather thancontinuing with a “business as usual” attitude. In the event of a sudden disaster, the restoration of disrupted services, the effective and efficient delivery of services to the disaster-affected communitiesand the setting up of a transparentmechanism of ensuring that thedisaster affected people receivethe relief entitlements which areintended for them have to benecessarily integral components ofa good governance and responsiveadministration at the district, stateand national levels. With the goodpractice examples of deployment ofinformation technology innovationslike biometrics and smart cardsin humanitarian assistance inrecent disasters in some of thecountries affected by disasters,our administrative machineryhas to explore ways of ensuringefficiency and effectiveness in thedelivery of services, minimisinginordinate delays, red tape andextraneous pressures of excludingreal victims and accommodatingfalse claimants.
(b) Efforts to strengthen State Finance Commissions have faced apathy of State Governments over the years, which has also affected the successive Central Finance Commissions in recommending appropriate fiscal transfers to local bodies. Substantiate the answer with example. 20 Marks
(c) Accountability of regulatory bodies would address the problem of over-regulators and help make them truly facilitators. Analyze the present status of regulators and suggest measures to induce accountability in the mechanism. 10 Marks