(Report) 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission : State And District Administration
(Report) 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission : State And District Administration
Contents :
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 State Administration 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Relevant Recommendations of the Commission in its Earlier Reports 6
2.3 Restructuring State Governments 21
2.4 Refurbishing State Civil Services 35
2.5 State Public Service Commission 52
Chapter 3 District Administration 59
3.1 Introduction 59
3.2 The Institution of District Collector / Deputy Commissioner 60
3.3 Functional and Structural Reforms 86
Chapter 4 Administration of the Union Territories 93
4.1 Evolution of States and Union Territories 93
4.2 The National Capital Territory of Delhi 98
4.3 Chandigarh 140
4.4 Puducherry 145
4.5 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 151
4.6 Lakshadweep 160
4.7 Daman and Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli 164
Chapter 5 Governance Issues in the North-Eastern States 171
5.1 Introduction 171
5.2 Natural Resources and Constraints 177
5.3 Ethnic Conflicts in Places, Manifesting as Territorial 180
Conflict and Violance (Problem of Insurgency and Law and Order)
5.4 Provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution 184
with respect to Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram vi vii
5.5 Adhoc Transfer of Subjects/Activities to the Autonomous Councils188
5.6 Predominance of non-elected Customary Heads/Bodies at the Village Level; Issue of Village Self Governance in the Sixth Schedule Areas 190
5.7 Absence of linkage between the Sixth Schedule and the 73rd Amendment 192
5.8 Special powers of the Governors of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram with Respect to Schedule Sixth Areas 193
5.9 Special provisions in the Constitution under Articles 371A, 371B, 371C, 371F, 371G & 371H applicable to North-Eastern States 207
5.10 Special Autonomous Councils created by State Enactments (in Assam and Manipur) 209
5.11 Issues of Tribal Areas lying outside the Sixth Schedule 209
5.12 Personnel Management and Capacity Building of Administration 211
5.13 Issues of Recruitment in the Sixth Schedule Areas 215
5.14 Regional Institutes 216
5.15 State Specific Issues 218
5.15.1 Assam 219
5.15.2 Arunachal Pradesh 232
5.15.3 Manipur 235
5.15.4 Meghalaya 244
5.15.5 Mizoram 252
5.15.6 Nagaland 258
5.15.7 Sikkim 264
5.15.8 Tripura 266
Chapter 6 Managing State Finances 272
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