(Report) Critically Endangered Animal Species of India

Ministry of Environment and Forests


International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)is the world’s oldest global environmental organization, it includes both Nations and NGOs. IUCN releases red list in which animals are categories in various groups on the basis of their vulnerability. IUCN provides a methodology on the basis of which governments found out about the scale of vulnerability of particular plant or animal species. This classification contains total 9 groups.


Each year thousands of scientists around the world assess or reassess species. The IUCN Red List is subsequently updated. This list helps Governments and NGOs prioritize their efforts to save the particular plant, animal etc. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has listed 132 species of plants and animals as Critically Endangered, the most threatened category, from India. Plants seemed to be the most threatened life form with 60 species being listed as Critically Endangered and 141 as Endangered. According to the latest figures, 15 species of Indian birds, including the great Indian bustard, Siberian crane and sociable lapwing are there in the list of Critically Endangered birds.

We are attaching a list from Mininstry of Environment related to critically endangered animal species in India. In last few years UPSC has asked 2-3 questions from red list, try to remember their names and places where they are found.

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Courtesy: moef.nic.in