(Download) Economic Survey 2017
(Download) Economic Survey 2017
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Abbreviations
- Eight Interesting Facts about India
1. Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges
- Introduction
- Global Context
- Review of Developments in 2016-17
- Outlook for 2016-17
- Outlook for 2017-18
- Other Issues
- Redistribution: Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a radical new vision
- Exchange rate policy: Vigilance and new ways of monitoring
- Trade Policy
- Climate Change and India
- Ensuring Women's Privacy
- India's Soon-to-Recede Demographic Dividend
2. The Economic Vision for Precocious, Cleavaged India
- Introduction
- The Road to be Traversed
- Possible Explanations
- Conclusion
3. Demonetization: To Deify or Demonize?
- Introduction
- Background Facts
- Analytics
- Benefits
- Early Evidence for Potential Long Term Benefits
- Short Term Impact
- Impact on GDP
- Redistribution to the Government
- Markers of Success
- Maximizing Long Term Benefits, Minimizing Short-Term Costs
4. The Festering Twin Balance Sheet Problem
- Introduction
- Is the Strategy Sustainable?
- What Needs to be Done?
- Conclusion
5. Fiscal Framework: The World is Changing, Should India Change Too?
- Introduction
- India and the World: Flows
- India and the World: Stocks
- Conclusion
6. Fiscal Rules: Lessons from the States
- Introduction
- Summary of the Fiscal Responsibility Legislation
- Assessment Methodology
- Impact on Deficits
- Off-Budget Expenditure
- Budget Process
- Assessment
- Lessons for Future Fiscal Rules
7. Clothes and Shoes: Can India Reclaim Low Skill Manufacturing?
- Introduction
- Why Clothes and Shoes?
- Challenges
- Policy Response and Conclusions
8. Review of Economic Developments
- Introduction
- Fiscal Developments
- Prices
- Monetary Management and Financial Intermediation
- India's Merchandise Trade
- Balance of Payments
- External Debt
- Outlook for the Economy for the Year 2017-18
- Agriculture and Food Management
- Industrial, Corporate and Infrastructure Sectors
- Services Sector
- Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development
- Climate Change
9. Universal Basic Income: A Conversation With and Within the Mahatma
- Introduction
- The Conceptual/Philosophical Case for UBI
- The Conceptual Case against UBI
- Why Universalize?
- How Can a UBI Overcome These Issues?
- Insurance against Risk and Psychological Benefits
- Improved Financial Inclusion
- Temptation Goods: Would a UBI Promote Vice?
- Moral Hazard: Would a UBI Reduce Labour Supply?
- The Way Forward
- Conclusions
10. Income, Health and Fertility: Convergence Puzzles
- Introduction
- Finding 1: Income/Consumption Divergence Within India
- Finding 2: Health Convergence within India with Room for Improvement against International Standard
- Finding 3: Fertility: Exceptional Performance
- Conclusions
11. One Economic India: For Goods and in the Eyes of the Constitution
- Introduction
- Section 1: One India: Internal Trade in Goods
- Does India Trade More Than Other Countries?
- Relationship Between Interstate Trade and Manufacturing
- Patterns of Interstate Trade: Arms-length Trade
- Patterns of Interstate Trade: Intrafirm trade
- Is Indian Interstate Trade Unusual? Formal Evidence from a Gravity Model
- Explaining the puzzle: Why Does India Trade so Much?
- Conclusion
- Section 2: One India: Before the Law
- Introduction
- India's Constitutional Provisions and Jurisprudence
- Provisions in Other Countries
- Comparable WTO Law
- Conclusion
12. India on the Move and Churning: New Evidence
- Introduction and Main Findings
- Baseline Census Data: Migration Levels and Growth
- Re-estimating Migration: Two Time Periods, Two Data Sources, Two New Approaches
- Conclusion
13. The 'Other Indias': Two Analytical Narratives (Redistributive and Natural Resources) on States' Development
- Introduction
- Impact of Redistributive Resources
- Redistributive Resource Transfers: Evidence from Indian States
- Impact of Natural Resources
- Natural Resources and Evidence from Indian States
- Conclusion
14. From Competitive Federalism to Competitive Sub-Federalism: Cities as Dynamos
- Introduction
- Background
- Key Challenges
- Lessons from Across India
- Mobilising Resources
- Conclusion
Click Here to Download Economic Survey 2017
Courtesy: indiabudget.gov.in