Sample Material of UPSC Mains Philosophy (Optional) Study Kit
Sample Material of UPSC Mains Philosophy (Optional) Study Kit
Indian Philosophy
- What is Philosophy?
- Samkhya
- Yoga
- Uttar Mimamsa
- Buddhism
- The Vedas, Brahmanas & Their Philosophy
- The Earlier Upanisads (700 B.C. 600 B.C.)
- General Observations on The Systems of Indian Philosophy
- Buddhist Philosophy
- The Jaina Philosophy
- The Kapila and The Patanjala Samkhya (Yoga)
- The Nyaya-vaisesika Philosophy
- Mimamsa Philosophy
- The Sankara School of Vedanta
Western Philosophy
- The Reformation and Counter Reformation
- The Rise of Science
- Francis Bacon
- Hobbes’s Leviathan
- Descartes
- Spinoza
- Leibniz
- Philosophical Liberalism
- Locke’s Theory of Knowledge
- Locke’s Political Philosophy
- Locke’s Influence
- Berkeley
- Hume
- From Rousseau to the Present Day The Romantic Movement
- Rousseau
- Kant
- Currents of Thought in the Nineteenth Century
- Hegel
- Nietzsche
- The Utilitarians
- Karl Marx
- Philosophy
Socio Political Philosophy
- Aristotles Theory of Justice
- Procedural and Substantive Justice
- Kautilya (Arthashastra) 3rd Country B.C.
- Rights
- Human Rights
- Monarchy, Theocracy and Democracy
- M.N. Roy
- Classical Theory
- Pluralistic Theory of Democracy
- Anarchy
- Historical Materialism
- Ideal Communist Society
- Socialism
- Corresponding Theory
- India in context of Secular State
- Multiculturalism
- Caste Discrimination
Philosophy of Religion
- Theology and Falsification
- Theology and Verification
- An Empiricist’s View of The Nature of Religious Belief
- Evil and Omnipotence
- The Free Will Defence
- Religious Beliefs and Language-games
- Belief ‘In’ and Belief ‘That’
- From World to God
- Divine Necessity
- Philosophy, Religion, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
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