(Sample Material) IAS PRE GS Online Coaching : Polity - "Outstanding features of the Indian Constitution"
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Subject: Polity
Topic: Outstanding features of the Indian Constitution
The following are the salient features of the Indian Constitution:
Written Constitution
Indian Constitution is a written Constitution. Written constitution is that which is drafted after a prolonged process of discussion by a representative body elected for this very purpose, for example Constituent Assembly of India (1946-49).There is a codification of the laws. An unwritten constitution, as in Britain, evolves from popular conventions, customs and traditions along with the social values and ideals.
1 : “Indian Constitution lacks originality and rather is drawn from other Constitutions of the world : Do you agree? Support your answer with reasonable arguments?
The Constituent Assembly, desirous of providing the best features in the Constitution, drew from many sources as shown below
British Constitution
- Rule of law
- Procedure of Law Making
- Single citizenship
United States Constitution
- Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Federal structure of government
- Electoral College
- Post of vice-President
- Independence of the judiciary
- Judicial review
Irish Constitution
- Directive principles of state policy
Australian Constitution
- Concurrent List
- Joint sitting of the Parliament
- Freedom of trade, commerce & Intercourse
French constitution
- Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
Canadian Constitution
- A quasi-federal form of government, a federal system with a strong central government
- The idea of Residuary Powers with centre
Constitution of the Soviet Union
- Fundamental Duties (Art. 51-A) on the recommendations of Sardar swaran Singh Committee (1976)
Other Constitutions
- Emergency Provision from Weimar Constitution of Germany
- Amendment of Constitution from South Africa
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