(MCQ) IAS PRE GS Online Coaching : Polity - "Delimitation of Constituencies"
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(MCQ) Polity: Delimitation of Constituencies
1. Consider the following statements.
- Delimitation means the act or process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in country or a province having a legislative body.
- The need of periodical delimitation is the, rise in population and the migration of people that caused an enormous growth in the electorate.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 & 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
2. In context of the constitutional and legal provisions for delimitation consider the following statements:
- Article 330, reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the House of the representatives.
- Article 332, reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the Legislative Assemblies of the states.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 & 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
3. Consider the following statements.
- 42nd Amendment Act laid down that there would be no delimitation till after the 2001 census.
- 85th and 88th Amendment Acts extended the freeze on seats till 2031.
- It is noted that Article 82 is related to the readjustment of seats after each census.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
- 1 & 2 only
- 1 & 3 only
- 2 & 3 only
- All of the above
4. Consider the following statements.
- The duty of delimitation is assigned to a high power body called the Delimitation Commission.
- It’s order have the force of law and be called in question only before Supreme Court.
- So, far Delimitation Commissions have been constituted 4 times.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct.
- 1 & 3 only
- 1 & 2 only
- 2 & 3 only
- All of the above
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