(MCQ) IAS PRE GS Online Coaching : Polity - "Good Governance"
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(MCQ) Polity: Good Governance
1. Consider the following statements.
- Thomas Jefferson former President of the Unites States (1801-1809) used the expression of good government.
- Governance is generally understood as the process of decision - making and the process by which decision are implemented.
- Good Governance takes place with citizen’s rights as a central priority.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
- 1 & 2 only
- 2 & 3 only
- 1 & 3 only
- All of the above
2. According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) the characteristic of good governance, are:
- Universal adult participation.
- Personal implementation of laws.
- Transparency while taking the decision.
- Administration is responsive to people’s demands.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
- 1 & 2 only
- 2 & 3 only
- 1, 3 & 4 only
- 2, 3 & 4 only
3. Consider the following statements.
- Tenth five year plan (2002-07) emphasizes on governance reform by stressing on effective delivery machinery.
- The report of the Commission on Global Governance set up in 1994.
- The report on Global Governance, entitled ‘Our Global Neighborhood’ was co-chaired by Swedish Prime Minister.
Which of the statement given above is / are correct.
- 1 only
- 2 & 3 only
- 1 & 2 only
- 1 & 3 only
4. Consider the following statements.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee (2000) and Narayan Murthy Committee (2003) aim to bring best practices of corporate governance.
- Basel norm - I and II in 1988 and 2006 respectively are example for good financial governance making banks secure and transparent.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct.
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 & 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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