(MCQ) IAS PRE GS Online Coaching : General Science - "Tissue"


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(MCQ) General Science: Tissue

1. Consider the following statements regarding Epithelial tissue.

(A) On the basis of cell layers it is divided into simple and multiple cells.
(B) They act against mechanical injury and fluid loss.
(C) The multiple cell layers are known as stratified Epithelium.

Which of the above statements are true?

  1. All of the above
  2. B & C only
  3. A & B only
  4. None of the above

2. Consider the following statements.

(A) Cuboidal Occurance is in kidney tubules inner lining of the check. Its main function is to give mechanical strength
(B) Columnar occurs in sweat glands, tear gland and it is concerned with secretions.
(C) Squamous also called endothelium. It protects from injury & entry of germs.

Which of the above are true?

  1. A & B only
  2. A & C only
  3. None of the above
  4. All of the above

3. Consider the following statements regarding Connective tissue:

(A) Main function of Areolar tissues is to join skin to muscles and remap tissues.
(B) Main function of Adipose tissues is to store fat and conserve heat.
(C) Skeletal tissues provide flexibility to body parts

Which of the above are false?

  1. A only
  2. C only
  3. A & B only
  4. None of the above

4. Consider the following statements.

(A) Leucocytes help in cloting of blood.
(B) Platelet fight diseases.
(C) Lymph transport nutrients to the heart.

Which of the above are false?

  1. A and B only
  2. B and C only
  3. All of the above
  4. A & C only

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