(Success Story) MD. Shahid Kamal Ansari (AIR-857)
(Success Story) MD. Shahid Kamal Ansari (AIR-857)
Date of Interview: 2nd June, 2014
Attempt: 4th
Exam Name: IAS
Q. What were the basic mantras of your success?
Hard Work and Persistent Effort without being demotivated with the results. As John Steinbeck said "And don’t worry about losing. If it is right, it happens — The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away."
Q. When did you start your preparation for the examination? What was your strategy for this examination?
I started preparing for exam some three years back. This was my fourth attempt and second encounter with the interview. I could not clear prelims in the first attempt and went up to mains in my second attempt.
The basic strategy is to keep the things simple. Work on the basics of Polity, History, Geography, Economics for GS. Prepare your optional thoroughly and choose an optional which suits you and is of your area of interest rather than going on public opinion.
(Last two years Public Administration and Geography has been disastrous for many with people scoring double digits marks in papers)
so, choose your optional wisely.
Q. What is the best way to prepare current affairs?
Best way to prepare is through newspapers and magazines. The Hindu and Indian Express are two newspapers with good content. Read all the sections carefully (specially the Editorials, Business and IR pages).
Watch Loksabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV with DD News for updates and creating a viewpoint about the policies and the bills being passed in the parliament.
Go through the websites of ministries like MoF, MoEF, MEA and of PIB on a regular basis. PRS legislative research is a good source about policies and governance issues.
EPW website gives the option to download the articles in pdf form, from where you can collect good articles in soft copy if you don't want to buy the magazine.
Regularly subscribe Yojana, Frontline and Civil Services Chronicle. These are really helpful for GS and current affairs.
Q. What about time management? And what was your strategy for mains and interview?
It is important to write with good pace as this year it was really difficult to complete the GS papers in full. Writing in point wise manner saves time and i followed the same.
For the interview go through your DAF and prepare all the probable questions related to your background. questions related to your home town(state), optional subject, degree & work experience will definitely be asked. Make sure you are update with recent happenings (National and International) and Socio-political-economic issues of the country.
Q. Did you join any coaching institute? What is your opinion about coaching institute?
Coaching Institutes are good for the first timers and working professionals, as they can get good study material and guidance. Going through many books to cover the syllabus sometimes becomes difficult if you have less time at your disposal.
Q. Tell Us About Your Interview? (step by step)
My interview was in the Board of Mr. D K Diwan.
Some of the Questions were-
- Nuclear Doctrine , what is it ? why no first use? will India be able to retaliate in case of a first attack?
- Defense Expenditure of India? should we focus on arms race being a poor country?
- Regional Politics in India? whether good or bad ? reasons of emergence of regional political parties
- Populist welfare policies , whether good for the country and the people? How and why?
- How can govt. boost infrastructure sector given the resource crunch? PPP model etc.
- questions on personal background of work experience, college etc.
Q. What is your suggestion for new aspirants?
There is no shortcut to success. You must be passionate about the services and ready to work hard, the success will follow.
Q. Your opinion about UPSCPORTAL Online Community.
- It is a good platform of information for aspirants.
Q. What do you feel about the secret of your success? To whom do you refer for the credit your success?
The credit goes to my parents for their constant support, my friends and the Almighty (Allah).