(Success Story) Shweta chauhan, IAS Topper 2013 (AIR-573)
(Success Story) Shweta chauhan, IAS Topper 2013 (AIR-573)
Shweta chauhan
Date of Interview: 22nd April, 2014
Attempt: 1st
Exam Name: IAS
Q. When did you start your preparation for the examination? What was your strategy for this examination?
- I started preparing in 2012 in the final year of my graduation. My strategy for the exam have been to have the in depth knowledge about the basics from NCERT books and apply that knowledge in current news.
Q. What is the best way to prepare current affairs?
- I read The Hindu religiously with special focus on editorials for the current affairs. For current govt policies and programmes yojana, Kurushetra, PIB, and sites of important ministries were used.
Q. What about time management? And what was your strategy for mains and interview?
- I made time table for completing the syllabus and adhered to that time table. For mains writing practice is the most important requirement. For interview I focused on my bio data and gave few mocks.
Q. Did you join any coaching institute? What is your opinion about coaching institute?
I joined coaching for geography optional. Coaching institutes are not necessary if you have someone to guide which have become easier now because of the sites like UPSCPORTAL. But there is no harm in joining if i gives you satisfaction.
Q. Tell Us About Your Interview? (step by step)
I dont remember all but few questions.
As soon as I took the seat Chairman said
"Oh here we have the youngest candidate", he congratulated me and the interview started.
1. why did you take geo as optional?
2. which is the longest river in south America?
3. Why it is named so?
1. Why do visit old age home?( My hobby)
2. What are the problems old age people face?
3. What do you want to improve there?
4. Govt old age homes are better or private?
5. Why no. of old age home are increasing?
6. Are they good?
7. What is India's stand on climate change?
8. Do you support India's stand or western countrie's?
1. What is Phalin?
2. Why Tropical cyclones are named differently?
3. What is the difference between Tropical cyclone, Storm surge and Hurricane?
4. If you have a subordinate who irritates you by sharpening pencil after every
minute and that too he gets up throw it every time. What will you do?
1. Do you knoe any IAS officer?
2. What were the qualities you liked about him?
3. do you look upto him as role model ?
4. Do you want be one like him?
5. Questions about high jump and long jump (my sports interest).
1. Do Christian missionary propagation a violation of human rights?(I studied
in ICSE school)?
2. Is the new form of appraisal of civil servants good?
3. Can you file RTI online?
and others I don't remember
What is India's record in high jump? Your's?
What are different forms of high jump? (I made them literally laugh here)
"You are quite a mature person in small age".
Smiled and said Thank you
Q. What is your suggestion for new aspirants?
- You have come into the process on your own choice, so give your 100% and enjoy the process.
Q. Your opinion about UPSCPORTAL Online Community.
- This is the first site which gave me full insight into Civil Service examination. I would suggest aspirants to grab the opportunity here. I thank UPSCPORTAL online community for their useful work.
Q. What do you feel about the secret of your success? To whom do you refer for the credit your success?
The secret of my success is my hard work, blessings of my parents and motivation by my brothers. The credit for my success goes to my parents who gave me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams and supported me in any situation.I would also give credit to my younger brothers who have motivated and believed me to achieve success.