(Article) How to Prepare Current Affairs For UPSC IAS (Pre.) Exam
How to Prepare Current Affairs For UPSC IAS (Pre.) Exam
Importance of CA on GS Paper - I
Current affairs is an very essential & important part for the IAS prelims examination .If you will analyse the previous year’s question paper of GS Paper I, you will find that at least 10-15 questions directly or indirectly asked from current affairs section. So you can understand the importance of this section. The questions related to current affairs, which have been appearing in IAS Prelims Exam in recent years (especially from 2011), are fundamental in nature. Now candidates are not only expected to know the current happenings but also the background & depth of such happenings. For example, recently Government of India launched so many social security schemes like, Atal bima yojana, Jeevan jyoti yojana. UPSC will not ask directly questions related to these schemes but will twist the question. For example Consider the following statements about Atal pension yojana
1.under this scheme a person can get a fix pension of Rs.6000 per month
2.central government will contribute 50 % of the user’s contribution or Rs 1000 per year for a period of 5 years .
If candidates has not read all the terms, conditions about this scheme, he/she will not be able to give the answer of such type of questions. So the message is clear that candidates has to be go into the depth of all such kind of scheme, news or incidents.
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GS Foundation Course (PT+ MAINS) for IAS EXAM
सामान्य अध्ययन (GS) फ़ाउनडेशन कोर्स (Foundation Course) PT + Mains, HINDI Medium
Printed Study Material for IAS Pre General Studies (Paper-1)
Let us start from this year's IAS pre examination which held on 23rd Aug .Many aspirants whose preparation was totally based on books and other current affairs magazine he/she disappointed with the question paper because most of the current affairs based question was asked from recent activity which can be cover from newspaper .For example, recommendations of 14th finance commission, location of Golan Heights( which was recently in the news) etc. Twisting the question is the beauty of UPSC .So the outcome is clear that if you want to focus on UPSC pre paper I current affairs you cant ignore the importance of newspaper. But most of the new students don’t how to read news paper and on which area they have to focus .
Newspaper is the important source for, International. business, national, Political Administrative, Socio-Cultural, Economic, Technical, Geographical News. Read the Newspapers in their dates sequence from Sunday to Sunday. On Sunday start reading the newspapers in reverse direction i.e., from 20th of May to 12th of May in order to filter important & exam oriented news within that time frame. Make daily wise categorise notes, it will be very helpful in the last moments of your preparation
Here is the list of those important sections which you have to focus
- Headlines of the newspapers and editorial
- International news with respect to Indian context
- Topic or discussion in society and people for a long time. Like net neutrality is in the news
- Special attention in reputed newspapers for a long time. Like Land acquisition bill
- Person in the news
- Bilateral Relation. Etc.
Your second source for current affairs might be the Economic Survey. This is the authentic dossier of Government of India's economic plan, future activity and etc. Honestly speaking, this particular source can be your vanguard for whole economy section ( generally most of the economy questions comes from current affairs section) if your basics are good. You just need to objectively and smartly prepare it taking into consideration the current affairs aspect into mind. It’s difficult but not impossible.
Your third source for current affairs would be India Year Book
This book is an essential tool for current affairs as well as important for the Mains exam. Reading this book needs logical and concentrated approach on the basic notes, which can be usually asked in competition. One should prepare own notes in regard with various terms/topics explained in the book. Remember there are loads of unnecessary facts given in the book. Do not spend much time on them.
Suggested reading
- The Hindu
- The Indian Express
- Ministry Websites
- Government Reports
- Indian Year Book
- Economic Survey
- Down to Earth
- International Organization Website
Most important thing for the UPSC preparation is You need Patience, Persistence,& Analytical Thoughts.
Click Here For Daily Current Affairs for UPSC PRE Exam
GS Foundation Course (PT+ MAINS) for IAS EXAM
सामान्य अध्ययन (GS) फ़ाउनडेशन कोर्स (Foundation Course) PT + Mains, HINDI Medium
Printed Study Material for IAS Pre General Studies (Paper-1)
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