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(Syllabus) Himachal Pradesh PSC: State Eligibility Test (Commerce)
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
SET: Commerce (Code-22)
Paper-II and Paper-III (Core Group)
Business Environment:
- Meaning and Elements of Business Environment Econimic enrironment, Economic Policies, Economic Planning Legal environment of Business in India, Competition policy, Consumer protection, Environment protection Policy Environment : Liberalization, Privatisation and globalisation, Second generation reforms, Industrial policy and implementation. Industrial growth and structural changes.
Financial & Management Accounting:
- Basic Accounting concepts, Capital and Revenue, Financial statements.
- Partnership Accounts: Admission, Retirement, Death, Dissolution and Cash Distribution.
- Advanced Company Accounts : Issue, forfeiture, Purchase of Business, Liquidation, Valuation of shares, Amalgamation, Absorption and Reconstruction, Holding Company Accounts.
- Cost and Management Accounting : Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Marginal costing and Break-even analysis, Standard costing, Budgetary control, Costing for decision-makinmg.
- Responsibility accounting
Business Economics:
- Nature and uses of Business Economics, Concept of Profit and Wealth maximization. Demand analysis and Elasticity of Demand, Curve Analysis, Law.
- Utility Analysis and Indifference of Returns and Law of variable proportions Cost, Revenue, Price determination in different market situations: Perfect competition, Monopolistic competition, Monopoly, Price discrimination and Oligopoly, Pricing strategies
Business Statistics & Date Processing.
- Data types, data collection and analysis, sampling, need, errors and methods of sampling, Normal distribution, Hypothesis testing, Analysis and Interpretation of data.
- Correlation and Regression, small sample tests-t-test, F-test and chi-square test.
- Data processing-Elements, Data entry, Data processing and Computer applications.
- Computer application to Functional Areas-Accounting, Inventory control, Marketing.
Business Management.
Principles of Management
- Planning-Objectives, Strategies, Planning process, Decision-making Organising, Organisational structure, Formal and Informal organisations, Organisational culture.
- Staffing.
- Leading : Motivation, Leadership, Committees, Communication Controlling.
- Corporate Governance and Business Ethics.
Marketing Management.
- The evolution of marketing, Concepts, Concept of marketing, Marketing mix, Marketing environment.
- Elements of consumer behaviour, Market segmentation.
- Product decisions.
- Pricing decisions.
- Distribution decisions.
- Promotion decisions .
- Marketing planning, Organising and Control.
Financial Management.
- Capital Structure, Financial and Operating leverage.
- Cost of capital, Capital budgeting.
- Working capital management.
- Dividend Policy.
Human Resources Management.
- Concepts, Role and Functions of Human Resource management.
- Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection.
- Training and Development, Succession Planning.
- Compensation : Wage and Salary Administration, Incentive and Fringe benefits, Morale and Productivity.
- Performance Appraisal.
- Industrial Relations in India, Health Safety, Welfare and Social security, Workers,
- Participation in Management.
Banking and Financial Institution.
- Importance of Banking to Business, Types of Banks and Their Functions, Reserve Bank of India, NABARD and Rural Banking.
- Banking Sector Reforms in India, NPA, Capital adequacy norms.
- E-banking.
- Development Banking : IDBI, IFCI, SFCs, UTI, SIDBI.
International Business.
- Theoretical foundations of international business, Balance of Payments.
- International liquidity, International Economic Institutions-IMF, World Bank IFC, IDA, ADB.
- World Trade Organisation-its functions and policies.
- Structure of India's foreign trade : Composition and direction, EXIM Bank, EXIM Policy of India, Regulation and promotion of Foreign Trade.
Paper-III (B)
(Elective/ Optional)
Elective-I : Accounting and Finance.
- Accounting standards in India, Inflation Accounting, Human Resource Accounting, Responsibility Accounting, Social Accounting.
- Money and Capital market, Working of stock exchanges in India, NSE, OTCEI, NASDAQ, Derivatives and Options.
- Regulatory Authorities : SEBI, Rating Agencies; New Instruments : GDRs, ADRs.
- Venture Capital Funds, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds, Lease Financing, Factoring, Measurement of risk and returns securities and portfolios.
- Computer application in Accounting and Finance.
Elective-II : Marketing.
- Marketing Tasks, Concepts and Tools, Marketing Environment.
- Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation.
- Product decisions.
- Pricing decisions
- Distribution decisions.
- Promotion decisions
- Marketing Researchs.
- On-line marketing.
- Direct Marketing; Social, ethical and legal aspects of marketing in India.
Elective-III : Human Resource Management.
- Concept : Role and Functions of Human Resource Manager.
- Human Resource Planning, Job analysis, Job description and specifications, Use of Job analysis information, Recruitment and Selection.
- Training and Development, Succession Planning.
- Compensation : Wage and salary administration, Incentives and Fringe benefits, Morale and Productivity.
- Appraisal of Performance.
- Industrial Relations in India, Health, Safety, Welfare and Social Security, Workers participation in Management.
Elective-IV : International Business.
- Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations-MNCs Culture, MNCs and LDCs Joint Ventures.
- Regional Economic Intergration : SAARC, ASEAN, EC, NAFTA.
- India and WTO, intellectual Property Rights.
- Foreign Exchange-Exchange rate, Mechanism, Risk management, Transfer of internatioal payments, Convertibility of Rupee, Current and Capital Accounts; Issues and Perceptions, Derivatives and Futures.
- Foreign investment Institution; Instruments : GDRs, ADRs, FIIs-their role in Indian Capital market.
Elective-V : Income-tax Law and Tax Planning.
- Basic concepts, Residential status and tax incidence, exempted incomes, computation of taxable income under various heads.
- Comptation of taxable income of individuals and firms.
- Deduction of tax, filing of returns, different types of assessment; Defaults and penalties.
- Tax planning : Concept, significance and problems of tax planning, Tax evasion and tax avoidance, methods of tax planning.
- Tax considerations in specific business decisions, viz., make or buy; own or lease, retain or replace; export or domestic sales; shut-down or closure; expand or contact; invest or disinvest.
- Computer Application in Income tax and Tax planning.