(Syllabus) Himachal Pradesh PSC: State Eligibility Test (History)
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
SET: History (Code-25)
- Concepts, Ideas and Terms
- Ancient Indian History
- Medieval Indian History.
- Modern Indian History.
Paper-III (A)
Core Group
- Unit-I: From the Indus Valley Civilization to the Mahajanapadas
- Unit-II: History of India from 4th century BC to 3rd century AD
- Unit-III: India fromthe 4th century AD to 12th century AD
- Unit-IV: India from 1206 to 1526
- Unit-V: India from 1526 onward
- Unit-VI: Socio-economic and cultural life under the Mughals
- Unit-VII: Foundation of the British Rule.
- Unit-VIII: Economic and Social Policies
- Unit-IX: National Movement and Post-Independent India.
- Unit-X (A): World History-Concepts, Ideas and Terms
- Unit-X (B): Research in History
Paper-III (B)
- Elective-I : Ancient Indian History
- Elective-II : Medieval Indian History.
- Elective-III: Modern Indian History.
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