(Syllabus) Karnataka PSC: Preliminary Examination : Electrical Engineering
Karnataka Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Civil Service Examination (Preliminary)
Subject: Electrical Engineering
- Primary and Secondary Cells, Fry accumulators, Solar Cells, Steady State Analysis of d.c. and a.c. network; network theorems; network functions, Laplace techniques, transient response; frequency response; three phase networks; inductively coupled circuits.
- Mathematical Modeling of dynamic linear systems, transfer functions block diagrams; stability of control system.
- Electrostatic and Magneto static field analysis; Maxwell’s equations. Wave equations and electromagnetic waves.
- Basic Methods of Measurements, standards, error analysis, indicating instruments, cathode ray oscilloscope, measurement of voltage current; power resistance inductance, capacitance, frequency, time and flux; electronic meters.
- Vacuum based and Semi-conductor devices and analysis of electronic Circuits; single and multistage audio, and radio small signal and large signal amplifiers; oscillators and feedback amplifiers; waveshaping circuits and time base generators; multivibrators and digital circuits; modulation and demodulation circuits. Transmission line at audio, radio and D.H. frequencies; wire and Radio communication.
- Generation of e.m.f. and torque in
rotation, machine; motor and generator characteristics of d.c. synchronous
and induction machines, equivalent circuits;
communication starters; phase diagram, losses, regulation; power transformers. - Modelling of Transmission Lines, steady, state and transient stability, surge phenomena and installation co-ordination; protective devices and schemes for power system equipment.
- Conversion of a.c. to d.c. and d.c. to a.c. controlled and uncontrolled power, speed control techniques for drives.
Website: http://kpsc.kar.nic.in
Courtesy: kpsc.kar.nic.in