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(Syllabus) Karnataka PSC: Preliminary Examination : Physics
Karnataka Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Civil Service Examination (Preliminary)
Subject: Physics
- MECHANICS: Units and dimentsions,
S.I. Units, Motion in one and two dimensions, Newton’s law of motion with
applications. Variable mass systems,
Frictional forces, Work power and Energy. Conservative and non-conservative systems, Collisions, Conservation of energy. Linear and angular momenta.
Rotational Kinematics. Rotational dynamics. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. Gravitation, Planetary motion, Artificial Satellites, Surface tension and Viscosity. Fluid dynamics. streamline and turbulent motion. Bornoulli’s equation with applications. Stoke’s Law and its application, special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, Mass Energy equivalence. - WAVES & OSCILLATIONS: Simple harmonic motion, Travelling and Stationery waves Super position of waves, Beats, Forced oscillations, Damped Oscillations, Resonance, Sound waves. Vibrations of air column, strings and rods. Ultrasonic waves and their application. Doppler effect.
- OPTICS: Matric method in paraxial
optics. Thin lens formulae. Nodal planes, systems of two thin lenses.
Chromatic and Spherical, abcration, Optical
instruments, Eyepieces, Nature and Propagation of light, Interference, Division of waves front. Division of amplitude. Simple interferometers Diffraction - Fraunhofer
and Fresnol, Gratings. Resolving power of optical instruments. Rayleigh’criterion Polarization, production and Detection of Polarized light. Rayleigh Scattering
Raman Scattering, Laswers and their applications. - THERMAL PHYSICS: Thermometry, Laws of thermodynamics, Heat engines, Entrophy, Thermo dynamic potentials and Maxwell’srelations. Vander Waals equation of state, Critical constants, Joule-Thomson effect, phase transition, Transport Phenomenon, heat conduction and specific heat in solids, Kinetic theory of Gases, Ideal Gas equation, Maxwell’s verocity distribution, Equipartition of Energy, Mean free Path. Brownian Motion. Black-Body radiation. Planck’s Law.
- ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM: Electric charge, Fields and potential Coulomb’s Law. Gauss Law, capacitance, Dielectrics, Ohm’s Law, Kirochoffs Laws, Magnetic field, Ampere’s Law, Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic induction, Lan’s Law. Alternating currents, LCR Circuits, Series & Parallel resonance, Q-factor, Thermoelectric effects and their applications. Electromagnetic Waves. Motion of charged particles in electric and Magnetic fields, Particle accelerators, Vendo Graff Generator, Cyclotron, Betatron, Mass spectrometer, Hall effect, Dia, Para and ferro magnetism.
- MODERN PHYSICS: Bohr’s Theory of Hydrogen atom, optical and X-ray spectra, photoelectric effect. Compton effect, wave nature of matter and waveparticle duality, Natural and artificial radio-activity, alpha, beta and gamma radiation, chain decay, Nuclear fission and fusion. Elementary particles and their classification.
- ELECTRONICS: Vaccum tubes-diode and triode, P and N type materials, P-N. diodes and transistors. Circuits for rectification, amplification and oscillations. Logic gates.