(Syllabus) Karnataka PSC: Preliminary Examination : Rural Development
Karnataka Public Service Commission
Syllabus For Civil Service Examination (Preliminary)
Subject: Rural Development
The Concepts of rural sociology - social aspects of Development-rural social institutions - The organization of rural community - Tribal development - socialchange - Factors of social change Rural and urban disparities- Indian social problems - Agrerian relations and reforms -poverty - Unemployment & inequality- population - rural education - rural health and sanitation and rural housing.
Historical basis of rural development - Rural economics development programmes - Community Development Programme and National Extension Service -Intensive Agricultural District Programme - Intensive Area Agricultural Programme - Small Farmers Development Agency - Marginal Farmers & Agricultural Labours Development Agency - Drought Prone Area Development Programme - Hill Area & Tribal Area Development programmes - Integrated Rural Development programme National Rural Employment programme - Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Scheme - Training for Rural Self-employmentScheme-Jawahar Rozgar Yojna - Poverty Alleviation - employment generation.
Welfare programmes - Minimum Needs programme - Applied Nutrition Programme - Development ofWomen and Children in rural areas - New 20 pointprogramme.
Concept of Planning - Decentralisation of planning - Regional Plan - District & Block Plan - Rural Development during plan periods.
Agriculture - Land system - Indian Agricultural Development during plan periods - Irrigation - Far Mechanisation - New Agricultural Strategy - Dry Farming - Land Reforms - Agricultural marketing Agricultural Finance - Rural indebtedness - Rural Credit Institution - Rural Regional Banks - Commercial Banks - Agricultural Development in Karnataka during Plan period.
Rural Industries - Khadhi & Village Industries (KVIC) D.I.C. Growth Centres and Rural Development - Rural transport & Communication - Rural electrification - Bio-gas programme - Social Forestry - Rural Ecology.
The Role of N.G.Os in Rural Development - Rural Extension Education - Local Self-Government (Development perspectives) The concepts of Gram Swaraj -The concepts of Panchayat Raj System - Panchayat Raj Institutions - Powers & Functions - Local Finance - Panchayati Raj Legislations - Reports of the VariousCommittees - Rural Development Administration - Karnataka’s Experiment in Panchayat Raj Institutions.
Main features - Principles - Co-operative Credit Ulovement in India - Structure.of Co-operatiye Credit agencies -NABARD - Problems of various types of Cooperative organizations - Recommendations of CRAFICARD and Khusro Committee - Non Credit Co-operation - Structure & Progress of Consumer Cooperatives, marketing Co-operatives processing co-operatives. Dairy cooperatives and Industrial Co-operatives - State Participation in Co-operation Cooperative education in India - National level Co-operative Organisations - Growth of Co-operative movement in Kamataka.
Website: http://kpsc.kar.nic.in
Courtesy: kpsc.kar.nic.in