Testimonials from our members and other IAS Aspirants
"I THINK IT IS THE BEST SITE in its area. I will categorise it no.1 site in the web BECAUSE of its content,All the info. collected and updated every day.
" The materials supplied by you is very nice and useful to us. I personaly thank u for the support rendered by you for the IAS aspirants."
Chandrasekaran. M. K.
" Hi I am Vidit Acharya From Gujarat and I want to give congratulations to this Indian WebSite and contributers of this website beacuse from this site I am learning so rapidly through the materials provided by you I am living in poor village of gujarat and it is not possible for me to afford costly books so when I come to city 25 km away from my village I will go in to cafe and download all the materials and study at my home So Keep Going -Jai Hind & Vande Mataram..... "
Vidit Acharya
" This website became the ultimate destination for all the UPSC exams aspirants searching for stiff related to preparation.
Thanks for above.
One thing which i observed and so want to mention that material related to IES-Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and IAS-Electrical Engineering is very less in amount.
Please try to add more related to above in your brilliant collection. "
vishal sahu
" an excellent site and an extraordinary services.thank you very much "
sateeshkumar gollapalli
" This site and its services are really excellent. Its one of its kind I have ever seen for UPSC preparation. I would like to congratulate the manager for its successful effort.
My suggestion for this site is that it can keep a link for study material on each subject of UPSC and a regular online test once in week or so; in which each registered member can take part and could get its evaluation with ranking. Though its bit cumbersome but it will really make this site more popular and useful for UPSC aspirants. "
Vasundhara Pandey
" I am very happy have such good website for IAS aspirants. This is very good website, espcially the Aspirant Times is very handy and usefull on current affiars at last moment to brush up the preparations.
Please do provide these kind of materail for optionals and Mock tests so that this things very handy and preparations goes with ease. "
" a very helpful website ever created with just aim to help those how are not aware of how and why we should go for civil services, i give 110% to the website for its all help"
Ajay p Singh
firstly thanks a lot for launching this superb website for we civilservices aspirants.what i felt unique about this site is that unlike other sites which just form communities for namesake this site actually brings all aspirants on same platform to share and discuss abut their problems,studies etc.so jaust keep it up and one small suggestion if possible plzz invite some guest prefrebly some civil servant weekly to guide us.it would really be a great help to us . "
" Thanking you, upsc portal for using the services on your website.
It's a very helpful site , which help the civils aspirants lot.
I hope upsc portal will give its full support in my civils preparation.
once again Thanking you."
Manzoor Naveed
" i got that aspirants times is the best magazine in this field because off its simple,easy language, wide approach of articles and attractive presentation.in fact when i was reading then i have compared to other magazine as csc,cst,darpan and found that aspirants times has no comparison.i have some suggestion to provide more advantages to serious aspirants as basic facts and related current news,focus on international ,economic issues in large quantity should included in magazine.thanks a lot.... "
" Aspirants Time MAgzine is a real booster dose for Civil Services aspirants. A free of cost and such exclusive exhaustive venture attracts interest and commendations. Congratulations....and keep helping us.... "
" I am very happy to see such an amazing & marvelous website for IAS aspirants,providing services without interruption..
Wishing U a great success to the staff & the organisation for the cause of benefit to the future IAS aspirants..! "
Rahul Kethavath
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