(The Gist of PIB) Delhi zoo generated ecosystem services worth Rs 422.76 crore in 2019-20

(THE GIST OF PIB) Delhi zoo generated ecosystem services worth Rs 422.76 crore in 2019-20


Delhi zoo generated ecosystem services worth Rs 422.76 crore in 2019-20

  • Findings are part of a study commissioned by Central Zoo Authority (CZA) to evaluate the services provided by the zoo.

Key findings:

  • The study found that almost 77% of the contribution comes from the recreational and cultural services of the zoo.
  • CZA is a statutory body under Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972, to oversee the functioning of Indian zoos and complement wildlife conservation strategies through ex-situ measures.
  • Ecosystem services are the direct and indirect contributions of the ecosystems to humankind's well-being.

Ecosystem services can be categorized into four types:

  • Provisioning services: Products obtained from ecosystems such as food, freshwater, fibre, genetic resources, and medicines.
  • Regulating services: Benefits obtained from regulation of ecosystem processes such as climate regulation, natural hazards regulation, water purification, pollination.
  • Supporting services: Non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems (e.g. nutrient cycling, soil formation).
  • Cultural services: Non-material benefits that people obtain from ecosystems such as spiritual enrichment, intellectual development, recreational activities, and aesthetic values.
  • In a related news, government announced that it is working towards the upgradation and development of 160 Zoos in Public Private Partnership (PPP) across the country.



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Courtesy: PIB