(Tips) Santosh Kumar Misra, IAS Topper 2000
(TIPS) Santosh Kumar Misra, IAS Topper 2000
Hard Work, Focussed Approach And Faith In God Are
Instrumental In Achieving Your Goal - Santosh Kumar Misra, IAS Topper 2000 (2nd
Rank). www.upscportal.com
1. Focus on Mains : Always target the Mains
Exam and make passing the Prelims a critical but incidental objective. If you
always focus on Prelims result and don't think of Mains till the Prelims result
are out, you will end up as a loser because there is hardly any time left for a
thorough preparation. So always aim at the Mains.
2. Revision is a must : Always remember
"anything you could not revise prior to the examination is as good as not
having prepared at all" So always make sure that you're able to revise
whatever you've prepared just prior to the examination. www.upscportal.com
3. Practice, Practice and Practice
(Especially for maths) : Go through the unsolved papers of the previous years
and solve them. Try to monitor you speed. Speed is of utmost importance in this
4. Have a Small Group : Preparing alone is
extremely boring and at times frustrating. So form a small group with your
friends, and have regular discussions, e.g. in History, Polity, etc. it helps to
keep your tempo up. www.upscportal.com
5. 'Dare-to-Bare' Attitude for your
Personality Test : Given the extremely short time (25-30 minutes) in which your
personality is assessed, it is your responsibility to bring out your very best
in front of the board. This should be done in a very modest way and it should
not appear as if you are boasting. The risk in baring yourself in front of the
board is that you will also be exhibiting your weakness. So do it in a
pre-planned and well-planned way. www.upscportal.com
6. General Do's & Don'ts for the
Interview: (i) Be utmost respectful to the board. They are usually very senior
and learned people. (ii) Have no biases for any Board . Don't go by any stories
doing rounds in your campus corridors. (iii) Never make any sweeping statement
(iv) Accept your mistakes boldly. www.upscportal.com
7. Overall : Be patient and maintain your
pace. This examination is all about tenacity and perseverance. Don't lose heart
and work hard. Your efforts are bound to succeed.