Recruitment 5500+ Posts for Group-IV Services, Tamil Nadu - 2013
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
(NOTIFICATION NO: 09 / 2013)
Applications are invited only through online mode upto 15.07.2013 for admission to the Written Examination for direct recruitment against the vacancies for the year 2013-2014 in the following posts included in Group-IV Services
Name of the Post and Post Code No. |
Name of the Service and Code No. |
No. of vacancies |
Scale of pay |
Junior Assistant (Non - Security) (Post Code: 2600) |
Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service (Service Code. 006) |
3469 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Junior Assistant (Security) (Post Code: 2400) |
Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service (Service Code. 006) |
62 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Bill Collector, Grade-I (Post Code: 2500) |
Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service (Service Code. 006) |
19 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Typist (Post Code: 2200) |
Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Tamil Nadu Secretariat Service/ Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service (Service Code.006) |
1738 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Steno-Typist, Grade - III (Post Code: 2300) |
Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service (Service Code.006) |
242 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2800/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Field Surveyor (Post Code: 2800) |
Tamil Nadu Survey and Land Records Subordinate Service. (Service Code. 006) |
6 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Field Surveyor (Post Code: 2800) |
Tamil Nadu Survey and Land Records Subordinate Service. (Service Code. 006) |
30 | Rs.5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay 2400/- (PB-1) (PM) |
Total Posts | 5566 |
Age (As On 01.07.2013):
- Minimum - 18 Years
- Maximum - 35 Years
Education Qualification:
Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification viz., Must have passed S.S.L.C Public Examination or its equivalent with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of Studies (or) to College Courses of studies.
Technical Qualification:
(A) For Typist:
Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting:-
- (i) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
- (ii) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/ Junior Grade in English (or)
- (iii) by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil.
(B) For Steno-typist, Grade III :
Must have passed the Government Technical Examination both in Typewriting and in Shorthand:-
- (i) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
- (ii) by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/ Junior Grade in English (or)
- (iii) by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil.
Computer Qualification (for Typist and Steno-Typist, Grade III):- Candidates should have passed the “Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation” awarded by the Technical Education Department.
Fee:- For all posts
- Examination Fee Rs.75/-
- Cost of Application Rs.50/-
Total - Rs.125/-
How To Apply:
- Candidates should apply only through online in the Commission’s Website or in
- Before applying, the candidates should have scanned image of their photograph and signature in CD/DVD/Pen drive as per their convenience.
- A valid e-mail ID or Mobile Number is mandatory for registration and e-mail ID should be kept active till the declaration of results. You are cautioned to keep your e-mail ID and password confidentially. TNPSC will send Hall Tickets (Memorandum of Admission) for Written Examination and Other Memos etc. to the registered/given e-mail ID only.
- All the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Post Applied, Communal Category, Date of birth, Address, e-mail ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for applying online. Since certain fields are firm and fixed and cannot be edited, candidates are requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care and caution as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
- The candidates who wish to receive SMS should register their mobile number in the application
Important Dates:-
- Date of Notification : 14.06.2013
- Last date for submission of applications : 15.07.2013
- Last date for payment of Fee through Bank or Post Office : 17.07.2013
- Date of Written Examination : 25.08.2013
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Courtesy : TNPSC