Contents of Current Affairs Book for Civil Services Preliminary Examination -2012
Contents of Current Affairs Book for Civil Services Preliminary Examination - 2012
I National
- Constitutional Watch
- Government’s Plan, Programme, Policies & New Initiatives
- Political News
II International
III India & The World
- India & North America
- India & Central America
- India & South America
- India & Africa
- India & Europe
- India & Central Asia
- India & West Asia
- India & Its Neighbouring Countries
- India & North East Asia
- India & South East Asia
- India & Australia
- India & Oceanic Countries
- India & International Organisation
- Person of Indian Origin
IV (i) Science & Technology (Concept)
- The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
- The Higgs Boson 124
- The Aakash 124
- Neutrinos 127
- Futuregen (2003)
- Bioethics
- Hydrologic Cycle or H2O Cycle
- The Carbon Cycle
- Vaccination and Immunization
- Nano Technology Development in India
(ii) Science & Technology (Current)
- Defence, Space & Nuclear Technology
- Science & Technology & Miscellaneous
V Health
VI Economy
VII (i) Energy (Concept)
- Solar Power in India
- Future Applications
- Wind Energy Programme in India
- The Energy Conservation Building Code
- Nuclear Power in India
- Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
- Administrative Approval of Renewable Energy Programmes
- Oil India’s Expansion Policy
- E-auction in Coal
VII (ii) Energy (Current)
VIII (i) Environment
- Nagoya Protocol
- Project Tiger (1973)
- The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- Top 10 Famous Bird Sanctuaries of India
- Wildlife Sanctuaries in India
- Biosequestration
- Commission on Sustainable Development (1992)
- National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai
- The Biological Diversity Act 2002 and Rules 2004
- The International Year of Biodiversity (IYB)
- Types of Biodiversity
- Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)
- Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
(ii) International Initiatives On Environment
- The International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)
- Reducing Emissions from Deforestationand Forest Degradation (REDD)
- The Man and The Biosphere Programme (MAB)
- United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (1972)
- Bruntland Commission (1983)
- The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992)
- Kyoto Protocol (1997)
- 1997 : RIO +5 Conference, New York
- Johannesburg Summit 2002
- Bali Action
- Durban Conference
- 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
(iii) Environment National Initiatives & Pollution Control Measures
- Green Development Initiative (GDI)
- National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
- Indian Network on Climate Change Assessment
- The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR)
- Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management (CBIPM)
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Environmental Appraisal Authority Coming
- Environment Ministry Revises Wildlife Habitat Guidelines
(iv) Environment Current
IX Gist Of Economic Survey 2011-2012
- Fiscal Development sand Public Finance
- Prices and Monetary Management
- Financial Intermediation and Markets
- Balance of Payments
- International Trade
- Agriculture and Food
- Industry
- Services Sector
- Energy, Infrastructure and Communications
- Power
- Petroleum
- Coal
- Railways
- Roads
- Civil Aviation
- Telecommunications
- Ports
- Urban Infrastructure
- Financing Infrastructure Debt financing
Gist Of Editorials And Articles
- Supporting the Rupee
- Corruption
- India is stands on North Korea
- 12th Indo-Russian Summit (Moscow)
- North Korea
- National Defense Authorization Bill
- Lokpal
- Aadhaar
- Quality Education
- Mullai Periyar Dam
- Rupee’s Tumble
- Myanmar
- Civil War-Congo
- Russia’s Election
- Durban-Climate Change
- FDI in Retail
- Europe fiscal compact
- Afghan Issue
- Libya
- Over Fishing
- Computer Security
- Pakistan Army
- Egypt
- US-Myanmar
- Intelligence Technology
- Nuclear Liability Bill
- Protecting the Himalayas
- Mars Mission
- Turkey-Kurdish
- The Challenges in Banking
- Egypt
- Pakistan Military
- Pakistan-Imran Khan
- Dividing UP
- India’s position in HDR 2011
- Iranls Nuclear Peril
- Planning for the Billions
- Changes in Myanmar
- Small Savings
- Japan’s Nuclear Dilemma
- Pakistan-Peace
- After NFN, the next steps
- Legal Aid
- Women & War
- Myanmar
- Human Rights and the Common Wealth
- F1 in India
- G20
- India’s Nuclear Diplomacy
- Kashmir AFSPA
- Judiciary
- Manipur Blockade
- World Bank and UNODC
- An opening with Nepal
- Eliminating Encephalitis
- South Asian Regionalism
- Globalization and Eurasia
- India’s Look East Policy
- Look East Policy (LEP)
- Conflict and co-operation in South Asia
- Look East Policy
- Concerns & Challenges in India’s neighborhood
- India and Nuclear Order
- Challengers of Global Governance
- Prospects of India Becoming a Global Power
- India-US-China
- The rise of China
- India-UNSC Permanent Seat
- India-Bangladesh Relations
- 60 years of India-China relations
- Indo-Pak relations
- Role of technology in India’s Foreign Relations
- Indo-Pak Relations
- Indo-African Relations
- Indo-Russian Relations
- India-West Asia
- India and the climate change
- Indo-Japan
- Paid News
- Indian Ocean Realm
- What is Direct to Home Service?
Gist of Yojana Magazine
- All about Genetically modified Foods
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- Draft National Telecom Policy, 2011
- Credit Rating
- Protecting Human Rights in India
- Wikileaks
- Recent Steps to Check Generation and Spread of Black Money
- Financial Committees of the Parliament of India
- What is the National Knowledge Network?
- Nuclear Power Programme of India
- Sahitya Akademi Awards
Railway Budget
Union Budget
Multiple Choice Questions