Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 07 August 2015

 Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 07 August 2015

:: Miscellaneous ::

Q.1 The Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India by :

a) Government of India Act 1858
b) Indian Council Act of 1861
c) Pitts India Act of 1784
d) Charter Act of 1833

Q. 2 Which of the following acts laid the foundation of central Administration

a) Charter Act of 1833
b) Regulating act 1773
c) Charter Act of 1853
d) Pitts India act of 1784

Q. 3 Match the following.

A. Bicameral system 1. Government of India Act 1935
B. Legislative devolution 2. Indian Council Act of 1861
C. Separate electorate 3. Montagu Chelmsford Reform
D. Provincial Autonomy 4. Indian Council Act of 1892
E. Minto – Morely Reform

    A     B    C     D
a) 5     2     3     1
b) 3     4     5     1
c) 3     2     5     1
d) 5     4     3     1


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