Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 10 September 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 10 September 2015
:: Miscellaneous ::
1. Consider the following statement
1. INS –virkramaditya was formely named as admiral gorshkov.
2. INS- Sindhuraksha is sindhusagar-class diesel electric submarine.
a. Only 1 incorrect
b. Only 1 correct
c. Only 2 Correct
d. Both correct
2. Consider the following statement about prithvi-II
1. It is India’s first nuclear weapons capable surface to surface ballistic
2. It is first missile developed by by the DRDO under India’s Intergrated Guided
Missile Development Programme.
a. 1 Correct
b. 2 Incorrect
c. Both correct
d. Both Incorrect
3.The highest tax item of necessary goods industry is
a .branded garments
b .footwear
c .food
d .electronics
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