Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 11 August 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 11 August 2015
:: National ::
1.Which of the following institutions was not set up by the Constitution of India ?
2.Finance commission
3.Planning commission
4.Election commission
2.The president of India is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of elected members of
A.Both houses of parliament
B.The legislative Assemblies of the States
C.Union Council of Ministers
1.only 1
2.only 2
3.1 & 2
4.2 & 3
:: Business ::
3.NABARD was established on the recommendation of
1.Shivraman committee
2.Kelkar committee
3, Khusro committee
4.L.K.Jha committee
4.What is Bancassurance ?
1.An insurance scheme to insure bank deposits
2. .An insurance scheme exclusively for bank employees
3.A composite financial service offering both bank & insurance products
4.A bank deposit scheme exclusively for employees
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