Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 14 October 2016
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 14 October 2016
Q.1-Which of the following is correct regarding commonwealth of nations?
1. All these countries were formerly colonies of British empire
2. These countries has a legal obligation to support Britain, when it is facing
external war.
3. Nepal is part of commonwealth of nations
A. 1,2
B. 2,3
C. 1,3
D. None
Q.2- consider the following statements about UN
1. The UN General Assembly on formally appointed Antonio Guterres as the new
Secretary-General of the United Nations
2.There are 188 members in UN
Which of the above statements is/are true
1.only 1
2.only 2
3.both 1 & 2
4.Neither 1 nor 2
Q.3- Which of the following country has recently quit commonwealth of Nations?
A. Bangladesh
B. Sri Lanka
C. Iran
D. Maldives
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