Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 2 July 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 2 July 2015
::National ::
1. consider the following statements about eastern freight corridor
1. This corridor will cover total distance of 1839 km
2. eastern freight corridor will pass through 6 states
which of the above statements is/are true
1.only 2
2.only 1
3.neither 1 nor 2
4.both 1 & 2
2.consider the following statements about AFSPA
1.Armed force special power act of parliament which passed in 1958
2.recently afspa has been revoked from Nagaland after 18 years
which of the above statements is/are true
1.only 2
2.only 1
3.neither 1 nor 2
4.both 1 & 2
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