Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 23 August 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 23 August 2015
:: Miscellaneous ::
1.Consider the following statement about prithvi-II
1. It is India’s first nuclear weapons capable surface to surface ballistic
2. It is first missile development by bthe DRDO under India’s Intergrated Guided
Missile Development Programme.
a. 1 Correct
b. 2 Incorrect
c. Both correct
d. Both Incorrect
2.Consider the following statement about pinaka rocket
1. Pinaka is a multiple rocket launched of India development by DRDO
2. This system has a maximum range of 30-40 km and can fire a salvo of 12 he
rockets in 44 seconds
a. Both correct
b. Both incorrect
c. Only 1 correct
d. Only 2 correct
3.Breast Milk Bank
1. A modern and sophisticated breast milk bank stated to be first in India in
public sector has been inaugurated in Delhi
2. This bank is funded by National rural health mission.
a. 1 correct
b. 2 correct
c. Both correct
d. Both incorrect
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