Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 24 April 2016
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 24 April 2016
Q.1- Which among the following are correct regarding new SC/ST act amendment?
1. increase in the existing quantum of relief from between Rs. 75,000 to Rs.
2. relief for non-invasive offences against women such as sexual harassment,
gestures after medical examination.
3. completing investigation and filing a charge sheet within 60 days.
A. 1,2 only
B. 1,3 only
C. 2,3 only
D. All
Q.2- According to Indian Meteorological department which of the following defines Heat wave?
A. when the maximum temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius in the plains
B. When there isheat wave across the plain
C. when the maximum temperature exceeds 45 degrees Celsius in the plains
D. None of the above
Q.3- Who recently became good will ambassador for Indian Olympic association?
A. Shahrukh Khan
B. Sachin Tendulkar
C. Kapil Dev
D. Salman Khan
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