Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 27 July 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 27 July 2015
:: Business ::
1.consider the following statements about WTO & red box subsidies are related to WTO
2.currently there are 161 members of WTO
Which of the above statements is /are true
1.only 1
2.only 2
3.neither 1 nor 2
4.both 1 & 2
:: Miscellaneous ::
2. consider the following statements
1. India has recently signed FATCA with UK
2. (P-Notes) are used by large number of foreign investors to invest in equity
markets without disclosing their identity to the market regulator Sebi.
Which of the above statements is /are true
1.only 1
2.only 2
3.neither 1 nor 2
4.both 1 & 2
3. consider the following statements
1.recently P5+1signed a nuclear deal in viena
2.china is not the part of P5+1
Which of the above statements is /are true
1.only 1
2.only 2
3.neither 1 nor 2
4.both 1 & 2
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