UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : International Terrorism, State
Sponsored Terrorism, Hijacking, ICC
- “A pirate is subject to arrest, trial and punishment by all States on the ground that he is an enemy of mankind.” Examine whether the same principle are applied to a hijacker of aircraft. (94/I/5c/20)
- X was a terrorist. He caused two explosions in a Cafe in Sri Lanka. After committing the offence X fled to England. Sri Lanka demands extradition of X. X contends that the nature of his crime was political and therefore, he could not be extradited. Discuss the validity of the claim of X, referring to the principle of non- extradition for political crimes and the exceptions thereto. (96/I/7c/30)
- A lieutenant of State forces in a town in Mexico was ordered by the Mayor of the town to proceed with troops to quell riots against certain American citizens. The troop on arriving at the scene of the riot, instead of dispersing to mob, opened fire on the house in which Americans were taking refuge and killed one of them. Can the Mexican government be held responsible for the wrongful acts of the soldiers, even though they had acted beyond the scope of their authority? Discuss with reference to the rule of state responsibility for international delinquencies. (97/I/7a/20)
- Give a brief account of attempts made in the international field for limitation of armaments. What, according to you, hinders the proposals to prohibit the production, possession and use of automatic weapons? (00/I/6a/30)
- Make out a case in favour of or against (any one) terminating diplomatic relations with a country during the state of hostilities. (02/I/6a/30)
- What steps, within the framework of International Law do you suggest India should take to eliminate state sponsored cross-border terrorism? (02/I/5d/20)
- ‘Looking to the alarming transnationalisation of crimes the idea of International Criminal Law and such Criminal Court appears attractive, but it has heavier limitations.’ Please comment. (02/I/7b/30)
- Write explanatory note : State sponsored terrorism (03/I/8b/20)
- Write explanatory note : International Criminal Court. (07/I/8b/20)
- Write short note on ‘Piracy jure gentium’ on High Seas. (09/I/8b/20)
- Enumerate the main features of International Criminal Court. What credit would you attribute to the functioning of this Court? What are the major drawbacks of this Court? Discuss, in this context, the possible amendments to the Regulations of the International Criminal Court. (09/I/6b/30)