UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : New International
Economic order and Moneraty Law:
- Write short note : World Trade Organisation (98/I/8d/20)
- Spell out the fundamental principles of the UNCTAD Charter of Economic Rights & Duties. (02/I/7a/30)
- What will be the eclipsing reach of the 49 (Main) Law—Topic Wise Paper proposals in the WTO and the GATT Final Act on the Municipal law in India? (02/I/6b/30)
- Write explanatory note : WTO and TRIPS (03/I/8c/20)
- Discuss the provisions relating to the exercise of control by a coastal state over the artificial islands, installations and structures constructed by it in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the conservation and utilisation of living resources therein. (05/I/7a/30)
- “WTO aims at progressive liberalisation of world trade in goods and services and protection of intellectual property rights.” Explain. How WTO is a facility extending the institutional structure of GATT? (06/I/8a/30)
- “International Organisations are very important to International Trade Law.” Examine the role of relevant International Organisations involved in the development of International Trade Law. (08/I/6a/30)
- Explain the concept and characteristics of ‘Third World Countries’. Critically examine the demands and the achievements of ‘Third World Countries’ in shaping New International Economic Order. (08/I/ 5c/ 20)
- Write note on India’s accession to the WTO: Pros and Cons. (08/I/8b/20)
- Explain the need, objectives and outcome of the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944. Discuss the similarities and distinctions between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the ‘International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).’ Critically examine the role of IMF and IBRD initiatives in the liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation of economies, while focussing on the problems of the developing countries. (08/I/6b/30)
- Comment on the statement that ‘WTO’ is the main organ for implementation of Multilateral Trade Agreements and is the third economic pillar of the worldwide trade and commerce. (10/I/5c/20)
- How would you react to the statement that TRIPS agreement on the one hand is a historic act but on the other hand it failed to achieve the goals of improving trading powers and trade issues of the least developed countries? Comment. (10/I/7b/30)