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UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : Prevention of Corruption Act, 1998
UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : Prevention of Corruption Act, 1998
- “Whether a public servant is guilty ofcriminal misconduct under thePrevention of Corruption Act, 1988 ornot is not an easy question for the courtsto determine.” Discuss (01/II/4a/30)
- ‘Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 hasmany lacunae leading to undesirable(Main) Law—Topic Wise Paper 60consequences, which call for immediaterequisite amendment to the Act.’ -Critically examine the above statementand suggest reasons for suchamendment, if any. (02/II/4a/30)
- A boatman gets hold of gold ornamentsfrom the body of a person who haddrowned. A police constable takes awaythe same after slapping the boatman.The constable does not enter the samein the records and dishonestly keepsthem with himself. Discuss the criminalliability of the constable. (03/II/2b/30)
- When is a public servant said to havecommitted an offence of criminalmisconduct as defined in % thePrevention of Corruption Act, 1988?Discus:, referring to some decided cases(05/II/4a/30)
- An assistant sub-inspector A and a headconstable B barged into the house of C,a businessman where he (C) wasplaying cards along with his six friends.A and B directed the card players to takeout their wallets, threatening to takethem to the police station.Apprehending registration of a caseunder the Gambling Act, all of themparted with Rs. 10,500/- in all. Whatoffence have A and B committed? (06/II/ 2b/30)
- Define and discuss the ingredients of“corruption” as given under theprovisions of the Prevention ofCorruption Act, 1988. (07/II/4b/30)
- “The defendant must not only owe theplaintiff a duty of a care, he must be inbreach of it.” In the light of the abovestatement examine as to how would thecourt find out as to whether there is abreach of a duty on the part of thedefendant or not. Refer to case law.(11/II/4a/30)