Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET - 39
Model Questions for UPSC PRE CSAT PAPER SET - 39
There is a Portuguese word ‘Saudade’, a word that makes into lists of those hardest to translate into English. It describes a deep, heart-crushing nostalgic longing for something someone loves, something someone lost. That is the word to describe the emotion that must have driven Housefull: The Golden Age of Hindi Cinema, edited by Ziya Us Salam. This record of notable films from the
1950s and 1960s is written by journalists Ziya Us Salam, Suresh Kohli, Anuj Kumar, and Vijay Lokapally.
How do you write about films you obviously love? It is a tricky feat to accomplish. You could part the curtains and delve into the inside story, which could slip into gossip magazine territory. Or you could start analysing these movies as compositions of images and signs. It could range from insightful to boring, at worst pretentious. Or you use the movies as a starting point and funnel out the discussion into the social, economic, and political context, and then land in academic territory.
1. The problem in writing about good films is that, one may end up
1. infringing the academic territory.
2. reducing it to gossip mongering.
3. trying to be pretentious.
4. boring and over insightful.
(a) Only 1, 2, 3
(b) Only 1, 2, 4
(c) Only 1, 3, 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
2. What does the passage imply?
(a) A book review by its author (of Housefull: The Golden Age of Hindi Cinema).
(b) A book review by Zia Us Salam.
(c) A book review by Zia Us Salam, Suresh Kohli, Anuj Kumar and Vijay Lokapally.
(d) Obstacles in writing a film review.
The South Asian region is energy deficient as it does not produce enough oil and gas to meet its needs. Thus, it depends heavily on imports. In the emerging energy and environmental crises, the SAARC region stands quite vulnerable, compared to developed economies. It is estimated that the energy needs of South Asia will increase three times in the next 15 to 20 years.
Some of the SAARC member states have considerable experience in using environment-friendly, renewable energy sources. This includes wind, solar and biogas plants in India, micro-hydro plants in Nepal, micro financing for rural energy in Bangladesh, grid connected small hydro plants in Sri Lanka and small hydro and solar plants in Pakistan.
The clean energy resource potential is yet to be exploited as countries like Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan either remain energy deficient or are not able to optimally harness and utilise their resources. The dependence on import calls for greater diversification of energy options especially towards renewable resources.
3. In the emerging energy and environmental crises, the SAARC region stands quite vulnerable as compared to the developed economy because
1. It depends heavily on imports.
2. Diversification of energy options especially towards renewable resources remains unexplored.
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of these
4. Which one of the following statements conveys the key message of the passage?
(a) India, a SAARC member country has a. considerable experience in environmental friendly, renewable energy resources than other member countries.
(b) Other member countries should also explore their wind, solar and biogas energy options like India.
(c) Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan are extremely lagging behind, than their counterparts in the SAARC region.
(d) All the SAARC member countries should try to reduce their dependence on oil and gas imports and should try to explore their untapped renewable resources optimally.
5. With reference to the passage, energy and environmental crises can improve in South Asian Region, if
1. The SAARC region reduces its oil and gas imports.
2. The SAARC region explores new avenues of non-conventional, environmental-friendly energy resources and is able to optimally harness them.
3. The SAARC Region imports technology from the developed economy to optimally harness its untapped renewable resources rather than importing petroleum products.
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Only 1 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
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Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor K.C. Chakrabarty maintained that while high interest rate was not solely responsible for the economic slowdown, high inflation was “definitely” one of the reasons for die sluggish growth. Interacting with journalists on the growth inflation issue at an Assocham Event, Dr. Chakrabarty said: “Slowdown in the growth is for a variety of reasons. What we are trying to say is that interest rate is not the only reason for the slowdown in growth. But inflation is definitely a reason for slowing down the growth.”
Dr. Chakrabarty also went on to admit that in a way, monetary policy was also responsible for the tepid growth in that it was unable to contain inflation. “Yes, to the extent monetary policy is not able to control the inflation and not effective, it is responsible. We cannot say something wrong happening in the economy, we are not responsible. Collectively, we are all responsible”. The
RBI Deputy Governor, in his address at the event exhorted banks to provide credit to the productive sectors of the economy and not shy away from giving loans t them in view of their own rising NPAs (Non-Performing Assets).
“Because of NPA fear, banks need not stop lending but banks must improve their credit management capability for which there is enough scope ... when NPA are high, your risk management system has to b improved, your credit appraisal system has to b improved,” Dr. Chakrabarty said while pointing out that banks need to pay more attention to the credit needs of agriculture, SMEs (small & medium enterprises) and retail. Dwelling further on the NPA issue, Dr. Chakrabarty sought to blame the corporates for most of the rising bad loans and for which the honest borrowers have to pay more. “...NPA is creation of the corporate sector, a major part of the NPA. You borrow from banks; you don’t pay them in time. They become- NPA in the books of the banks ... So why you are not able to pay back? Because your cost is more, income is less,” he said.
6. Which one of the following statements conveys the inference of the passage?
(a) High inflation is definitely one of the reason for sluggish growth.
(b) Monetary policy is also a reason for the tepid growth.
(c) Corporates are mainly to blame for the NPA issue.
(d) Monetary policy is, not effective enough to check inflation.
7. Consider the following statements with reference to the passage
1. Honest borrowers will have to pay less if the corporates were able to bring down the risk perception of the banks.
2. There is a complete policy paralysis on growth inflation issue for which collectively, we are all responsible.
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (ii)
(c) Both are correct
(d) Both are incorrect
8. According to the passage, the economic growth can not be effected by focussing on
(a) check on high interest rate.
(b) effective monetary policy.
(c) lowering of inflation rate.
(d) Improvement in risk management system.
9. According to the passage, what could be the obstacles to the high economic growth?
1. The NPA fear of the Banks created by the corporates.
2. high interest rates.
3. high inflation.
4. Ineffective monetary policy.
(a) Only 1 and (ii)
(b) Only 2, 3 and 4
(c) Only 1, 3 and 4
(d) (i), 2, 3 and 4
10. According to the passage banks need to pay more attention on
(a) their credit management capability.
(b) their credit appraisal system.
(c) their risk management system.
(d) credit needs of agriculture, SME (small and medium enterprises) and retail.
1 (b), 2 (d), 3 (a), 4 (d), 5 (b), 6 (c), 7 (c), 8 (d), 9 (b), 10 (b)
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