(Notification) Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) : Advertisement No. 08/2022
(Notification) Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) : Advertisement No. 08/2022
Post Details:
1. (Vacancy No. 22040801223):
Twenty-two vacancies for the post of Assistant Chemist in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines (SC-03, ST-02, OBC-06, EWS-02, UR-09) (PwBD-01)*.
*Of the twenty-two vacancies, one vacancy is reserved for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Deaf and Hard of Hearing with disability i.e. Hard of Hearing (HH). The vacancies are also suitable for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Deaf and Hard of Hearing with disability i.e. Hard of Hearing (HH), Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA) or One leg and One arm affected (OLA) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV), Multiple disabilities (MD) i.e. at least two disabilities from the sub-categories of the disabilities indicated above including deaf-blindness. The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial).
Pay Scale: Level- 08 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Age: 30 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: EDUCATIONAL: Master’s Degree in any branch of Chemistry OR Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology from a recognized University/ Institution OR Degree or Diploma conferred by the Associate Institute of Chemist (India) in Chemistry. Note: The candidates who were enrolled for Associate Institute of Chemist (India) upto 31.05.2013 are only eligible for consideration to the post of Assistant Chemist for Direct Recruitment and the candidates who have enrolled on or after 01.06.2013 for Associate Institute of Chemist (India) are not eligible for consideration to the post of Assistant Chemist (Direct Recruitment).
NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: Analytical work relating to rocks, minerals, ores, metals, alloys allied materials and assaying of precious metals. HQ: Kolkata with All India service liability. Any Other Condition: Every appointee on his/her 1st appointment in Geological Survey of India shall have to successfully complete the induction or orientation training conducted by Geological Survey of India Training Institute.
2. (Vacancy No. 22040802223):
Forty vacancies for the post of Assistant Geophysicist in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines (SC-04, ST-01, OBC-12, EWS-04, UR-19) (PwBD-01)*.
*Of the forty vacancies, one vacancy is reserved for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV). The vacancies are also suitable for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Deaf and Hard of Hearing with disability i.e. Hard of Hearing (HH), Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV), Multiple disabilities (MD) i.e. at least two disabilities from the sub-categories of the disabilities indicated above including deaf- blindness. The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial).
Pay Scale: Level- 08 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Age: 30 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: EDUCATIONAL: Master’s Degree in Physics or Geophysics or Geology or Mathematics from a recognized University or Institute; or BE or AMIE in Electronics or Communication from a recognized University or Institute. Note: The candidates who were enrolled for Associate Member of Institution of Engineers (AMIE) upto 31.05.2013 are only eligible for consideration to the post of Assistant Geophysicist for Direct Recruitment and the candidates who have enrolled on or after 01.06.2013 for AMIE are not eligible for consideration to the post of Assistant Geophysicist (Direct Recruitment).
NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: Providing assistance to the Geophysicist in acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data, preparation of scientific paper, execute field programme adopting different geophysical methods using sophisticated instruments in remote areas, airborne and marine surveys for six months every year or any related work as assigned. HQ: Kolkata with All India service liability. Any Other Condition: Every appointee on his/ her 1st appointment in Geological Survey of India shall have to successfully complete the induction or orientation training conducted by Geological Survey of India Training Institute, Hyderabad and execute a surety bond of Rs. three lakhs where he/she has to serve GSI for three years continuously from the date of successful completion of the induction training.
3. (Vacancy No. 22040803223) :
One vacancy for the post of Assistant Director (Scientific “C”) in Andaman and Nicobar Police, Andaman and Nicobar Administration (UR-01). The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial).
Pay Scale: Level- 11 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Age: 40 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: (i) Master’s Degree in Botany or Zoology or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Biotechnology or Molecular Biology or Forensic Science or Physical Anthropology or Genetics form a recognized University or Institute and (ii) Bachelor’s Degree with Botany or Zoology as one of the subject from a recognized University or Institute. (B) EXPERIENCE: Five years experience of Analytical/Research work in Forensic Science. DESIRABLE: Doctorate Degree in concerned subject from a recognized University or Institute.
NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: The major nature of duties include visiting scene of crime, examination of crime exhibits; to attend the court of law as an expert, to take active part in research and development, to impart training to various investigating agencies and other administrative work required for up-gradation of FSL and works assigned by the higher authorities. HQ: Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
4. (Vacancy No. 22040804223) :
One vacancy for the post of Senior Scientific Officer (Scientific “B”) in Andaman and Nicobar Police, Andaman and Nicobar Administration (UR-01). The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non- Ministerial).
Pay Scale: Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
Age: 35 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: (i) Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Toxicology or Biochemistry or Forensic Science from a recognized University or Institute and (ii) Bachelor’s Degree with Chemistry as one of the subject from a recognized University or Institute. (B) EXPERIENCE: Three years Analytical/Research work in Forensic Science. DESIRABLE: Doctorate Degree in concerned subject from a recognized University or Institute.
NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: The major nature of duties include visiting scene of crime, examination of crime exhibits; to attend the court of law as an expert, to take active part in research and development, to impart training to various investigating agencies and other administrative work required for up-gradation of FSL and works assigned by the higher authorities. HQ: Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
5. (Vacancy No. 22040805123) :
One vacancy for the post of Senior Lecturer (Forensic Medicine) in Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, Department of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh Administration (UR-01). The post is temporary but likely to continue indefinitely. General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non- Ministerial).
Pay Scale: Level- 11 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC plus NPA.
Age: 50 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: (i) A basic University or equivalent qualification included in any one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and must be registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register. (ii) M.D. (Forensic Medicine) from a recognized University/ Institution or equivalent. (B) EXPERIENCE: Three years’ teaching experience in the concerned Specialty after acquiring postgraduate qualification as Lecturer/ Registrar/ Senior Resident/ Demonstrator/ Tutor in a Recognized Medical College/ Teaching Institution.
NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: The duties of the Senior Lecturer (Forensic Medicine) will be to teach the undergraduate (MBBS) and Post-graduate students, training of interns, paramedical staff and research work. HQ: Chandigarh. Any Other Condition: Candidates recruited to the post will be covered by the New Contributory Pension Scheme and the candidates selected are required to join immediately.
6. (Vacancy No. 22040806523) :
Two vacancies for the post of Sub Divisional Engineer (Public Health) in Office of Chief Engineer-Cum-Special Secretary (Engineering), Union Territory, Chandigarh, Engineering Department, Chandigarh Administration (SC-01, UR-01) (PwBD-01)*. *Of the two vacancies, one vacancy is reserved for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA). The vacancies are also suitable for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA). The post is temporary but likely to be continued. General Civil Service Group- “A” Gazetted.
Pay Scale: Rs. 15600-39100/- (PB-3) + Rs.5400/-(Grade Pay) as per 6th CPC.
Age: 35 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: EDUCATIONAL: Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute. Note: The candidates who were enrolled for Associate Member of Institution of Engineers in Civil Engineering (AMIE) up to 31.05.2013 are only eligible for consideration to the post of Sub Divisional Engineer (Public Health) meant for Direct Recruitment and the candidates who have enrolled on or after 01.06.2013 for AMIE are not eligible for appointment to the post of Sub Divisional Engineer (Public Health).
NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: In-charge of Sub Division. For Supervising and Execution of the maintenance and provision of Public Health Services, Storm Water, Provision of Drainage System, in the residential /non residential buildings, located in the Union Territory, Chandigarh. HQ: Chandigarh. Any Other Condition: The Sub Divisional Engineer appointed through Direct Recruitment shall undergo one month’s induction training from an Institute designated by the Department in the field of duties or responsibilities of the post immediately after their appointment and such training shall be part of successful completion of probation.
Application Fee:
(a) Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card.
(b) No fee for SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates of any community. No "fee exemption" is available to Gen/OBC/EWS male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.
(c) Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.
(d) Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
How To Apply:
i) Candidates must apply online through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
ii) Candidates must upload the documents/certificates in support of all the claims made by them in the application like, Date of Birth, Experience (preferably in prescribed format), Desirable Qualification(s) etc. or any other information, separately against each claim in pdf file in such a way that the file size does not exceed 1 MB for the respective aforesaid modules and 2 MB for the “UPLOAD OTHER DOCUMENT” module and is legible when a printout taken. For that purpose, the applicant may scan the documents/certificates in 200 dpi grey scale. Documents like Pay Slip, Resume, Appointment Letter, Relieving Letter, Un-signed Experience Certificate etc. must not be uploaded in the Document Upload Module:-
a) Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth, or mark sheet of Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating Date of Birth in support of claim of age. Where date of birth is not available in certificate/mark sheets, issued by concerned Educational Boards, School leaving certificate indicating Date of Birth (in case of Tamil Nadu& Kerala).
b) Degree/Diploma certificate as proof of educational qualification claimed. In the absence of Degree/Diploma certificate, provisional certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years.
c) Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications claimed, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated, in respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement.
d) Certificate(s) in the prescribed proforma from the Head(s) of Organization(s)/Department(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with duration(s). Experience Certificate should be issued in prescribed format relevant to the post. Experience certificate not in prescribed proforma but containing all the details as mentioned above would be considered on merits by the Commission.
e) Caste certificate by candidate seeking reservation as SC/ ST/ OBC, in the prescribed proforma from the competent authority indicating clearly the candidate’s Caste, the Act/ Order under which the Caste is recognized as SC/ ST/ OBC and the village/ town the candidate is ordinarily a resident of.
f) A declaration in the prescribed format by candidate seeking reservation as OBC, that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer on the crucial date, in addition to the community certificate (OBC). Unless specified otherwise, the prescribed closing date for receipt of Online Recruitment Application for the post is to be treated as crucial date.
g) Certificate of Disability in prescribed proforma issued by the competent authority to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of prescribed standards of Medical Fitness. The Competent Authority to issue Certificate of Disability shall be a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or a State Government. The Central/ State Government may constitute Medical Board(s) consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing Locomotor/ Cerebral / Visual / Hearing disability, as the case may be.
h) Documentary support for any other claim(s) made.
Important Dates:
Click here for Online Apply
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Courtesy: UPSC