Analysis of Public Administration Paper I : IAS Mains 2014

Analysis of Public Administration Paper I : IAS MAINS 2014

Public administration (Paper-I) is not conventional but if your concepts are ok and if you are able to link it with other topics of the syllabus and contemporary trends, the subject becomes more inter-disciplinary and scoring. The subject demands problem solving and practical solutions.

Step By Step Guidance on How To Read and Write For Public Administration Mains Examination

The paper might not have been tough in the traditional sense that we either know or don't know, all questions could be interpreted in multiple ways . But few questions are vague, pushing in a lot of ambivalence in our heads.

Reading all the books are not enough. Being only theoretical does not help much in Public Administration. Practice previous years papers and model questions if you want to perform better in this optional besides the general reading.

  • Time Allowed : 3 hours
  • Maximum Marks : 250 marks
  • There are 8 questions divided into two sections, printed in both Hindi and English.
  • You’ve to attempt 5 questions.
  • Question Nos.1 and 5 are compulsory and out of remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each section.
  • Word limit, wherever specific, should be adhered to.
  • Attempt all questions in chronological order, unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partially. Any page of portion of the page left blank in the question-cum-answer booklet must be clearly struck off.


Q1 . Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10 x 5 = 50 marks.

  1. What are the implications of the post-structuralist perspective on the discrete aspects of Public Administration, coming from its epistemological positions?
  2. “Adaptive, problem-solving, temporary systems of diverse specialists, linked together by coordinating executives in an organic flux-this is original form that will gradually replace bureaucracy”. Discuss, in the light of this statement, the ‘end of bureaucracy’ thesis and its strengths and limitations.
  3. “Karl Marx’s interpretation of bureaucracy was rooted in the history of the nature of the State”. Evaluate.
  4. “The conceptual division between administrative and constitutional law is quite porous, and that along many dimensions, administrative law can be considered more constitutional in character that the constitutions.” How would you justify the statement?
  5. Is Peter Drucker justified in saying, “Management principles should not tell us what to do, but only tell us what not to do”? Comment.

Q2. (20+15+15=50 marks)

  1. “Governance theory and the nation of governmentality have many points of convergence, but they run on parallel lines.” Comment.
  2. “Taylor’s ideas need modification in the context of post-industrial economies in contemporary era.” Justify with reasons.
  3. How does the Strategic Contingencies Theory of organizational design deal with problems arising from sub-unit centrality and non-substituability?

Q3. (20+15+15=50 marks)

  1. According to Macgregor, “true professional help is not in playing God with the client, but in placing professional knowledge and skills at the client’s disposal.” In the light of above statement, justify how theory-Y is indicative and not prescriptive.
  2. The notion of informal organisation is a residual or cafeteria concept of diverse and sprawling contents. How does Gouldner established the need for understanding the interdigitations between the formal and informal organisation.
  3. The right to information is not all about citizens empowerment, it essentially redefines the concept of accountability. Discuss.

Q4. (20+15+15=50 marks)

  1. New public management and post new public management reforms initiatives ever affected the balance between managerial, political, administrative, legal, professional and social accountability. Analye.
  2. Delegation to independent agencies has taken place in an interdependent progress driven by emulation. Discuss in the context of independent regulatory agencies in the modern regulatory state.
  3. Voluntary organizations have become tools of sensitization of governmental agencies. comment.


Q5. Answer following in about 150 words each: 10 x 5 = 50 marks.

  1. Critically examine the Riggsian concept of differentiation in context of post-globalisation era.
  2. The term development Administration can be used only in a broad sense to mark the variety of approaches and point of view. Discuss
  3. The bottom line for governance outcome rather than the outputs of government. Analyse in context of e-government and e-governance.
  4. “Policies determine politics as governments constrain.” Attempt a critique of this statement.
  5. Instead of reforms to budgetary process Wildavsky proposes to redefine the role of political institutions and rules by which politics leads to agreement on budget. Explain

Q6. (20+15+15=50 marks)

  1. The fact that we call something performance auditing means that we imply salient features which can distinguish it from other forms of enquiry. Discuss with reference to the main majors or indicators of performance measurement.

  2. The output studies approach to public policy analyses ovestresses the rational techniques and allocative dimension of public policy. Analyse the statement.

  3. The field of MIS is not necessarily an extension of computer science, but of management and organisation theory. Elucidate

Q7. (20+15+15=50 marks)

  1. The technical and multidisciplinary nature of e-governance has created an interdependent relationship within government between policymakers, program administrators and technical specialists. Analyse in context of generalist – specialist relationship

  2. Self-help groups have not only empowered women, but have also brought about attitudinal change among all stakeholders towards women development. Discuss

  3. Many African and Asian countries have inherited the colonial idea of civil service as a privileged elite. Hence, the social status of the civil services is an important aspect of the bureaucracy’s unsuitability for change. Comment.

Q8. (20+15+15=50 marks)

  1. Identify the main elements of program budgeting, output budgeting and new performance budgeting. What do they have in common with PPBS?
  2. According to Y. Dror, “the science of muddling through is essentially a reinforcement of pro- inertia and anti-innovation ideas in policy-making.” Comment
  3. British philosophy of Administration is based on a unification of science of Administration with ethics. Analyze.

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