(Paper) Andhra Bank Special Officers Solved Paper (Reasoning Ability)

PAPER : Andhra Bank Special Officers Solved Paper (Reasoning Ability)


26. Statements : G # H, H $ K, K @ M
onclusions :
I. M # G
II. G & M

27. Statements :F $ D, H # M, M % D
onclusions :
I. F $ H
II. F @ H

28. Statements : R & M, M # L, L $ Q
onclusions :
I. M % Q
II. M @ Q

29. Statements :F # R, Q $ R, Q & M
onclusions :
I. F # Q
II. R & M
30. Statements :D & T, R # T, R $ M
Conclusions :
I. M & T
II. M % T

31. Statements :E % H, H $ M, M # Q
I. H $ Q
II. E $ M

32. Statements :S # A, S @ T, L & T
onclusions :
I. L & A
II. S @ L

33. Statements :G $ J, J @ K, K % N
onclusions :
I. G @ N
II. G % N

Directions—(Q. 34–40) These questions are based on the following arrangement of numerals, symbols and letters.
W T D I 5 M K % L $ 3 7 F E B # 1 G H A © @ J U V 2 4

34. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a numeral and also immediately preceded by a letter ?
(A) None (B) Two
(C) Three (D) One
(E) None of these

35. If KL : $7 then B1 : ?
(A) GA (B) H©
(C) GH (D) ©J
(E) None of these

36. If all the vowels are dropped from the arrangement, which element will be fifth to the right of the thirteenth element from the right ?
(A) H (B) G
(C) A (D) 1
(E) None of these

37. If the first ten elements in the arrangement are reversed, which element will be third to the left of eleventh element from the left ?
(A) D (B) %
(C) K (D) I
(E) None of these

38. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their position in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
(A) D5W (B) L3K
(C) E#7 (D) H©G
(E) U2@

39. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement which are immediately preceded as well as immediately followed by a consonant ?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three
(E) None of these

40. Which element is exactly mid-way between the eighth element from the left and the tenth ele-ment from the right ?
(A) E (B) 7
(C) B (D) #
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 41–45) Given an input, a coding machine generates pass-codes for six batches every day as follows—
Input the shopkeeper offered dis-count to customers Pass-code for :
Batch I customer the shopkeeper offered discount to
Batch II customer discount the shopkeeper offered to
Batch III customer discount offered the shopkeeper to and so on until the arrangement is completed.
After the arrangement is com-pleted the next batch gets the same code as that for Batch I.

Duration of each batch is 1 hour. There is a break of one hour after the fourth batch. Sixth batch is the last batch. Now answer the following questions—

41. If the pass-code for the second batch is “do lean window out of not”, what will be the pass-code for the fourth batch ?
(A) do lean of not out window
(B) do lean of out not window
(C) do lean not out window of
(D) do lean not of window out
(E) None of these

42. If the input is—
“please do not delay the matter”, what will be the pass-code for third batch ?
(A) do please not delay the matter
(B) delay do matter please not the
(C) delay do matter not please the
(D) delay do matter not the please
(E) None of these

43. If the pass-code for third batch is “brisk every for morning go walk”, what will definitely be the input ?
(A) morning brisk go walk for every
(B) morning go brisk walk for every
(C) morning go walk brisk for every
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these

44. If the pass-code for the second batch is “children for not is good watching television”, what will be the pass-code for the fifth batch ?
(A) children for good not is watching television
(B) children for good is not wat-ching television
(C) children good for is not tele-vision watching
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these

45. If the input is “necessary arrange-ments have already been made”, how many batches are required to complete the arrangement ?
(A) Three (B) Four
(C) Five (D) Six
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 46–55) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. An organization wants to recruit System Analysts. The following con-ditions apply.

The candidate must ………
(i) be an engineering graduate in Computer/IT with at least 60% marks.
(ii) have working experience in the field of Computer at least for 2 years after acquiring the requi-site qualification.
(iii) have completed minimum 25 years and maximum 30 years of age as on 1.12.2005.
(iv) be willing to sign a bond for Rs. 50,000.
(v) have secured minimum 55% marks in selection test.

However, if a candidate fulfills all other conditions except—
(a) At (i) above, but is an Electronics Engineer with 65% or more marks the case is to be referred to the General Manager (GM)–IT.
(b) At (iv) above, but has an experience of at least 5 years as a Software Manager, the case is to be referred to the VP.
In each question below, detailed information of candidate is given. You have to carefully study the infor-mation provided in each case and take one of the following courses of actions based on the information and the conditions given above. You are not to assume anything other than the information povided in each ques-tion. All these cases are given to you as on 01.12.2005. You have to indicate your decision by marking answers to each question as follows.

Mark ans-wer—
(A) If the case is to be referred to VP.
(B) If the case is to be referred to GM.
(C) If the data provided is not sufficient to take a decision.
(D) If the candidate is to be selected.
(E) If the candidate is not to be selected.

46. Ms. Suneeta is an IT Engineer with 60% marks at graduation as well as in selection test. She is working as a Software Engineer for last 3 years after complet- ing engineering degree and has completed 27 years of age. She is willing to sign the bond of Rs. 50,000.

47. Rakesh Rao is a Computer Engineer Graduate and there- after is working as a Software Manager for past 6 years. He has secured 72% marks at graduation and 67% marks in selection test. His date of birth is 5th December 1976. He is not willing to sign the bond for Rs. 50,000.

48. Ramkumar is an engineering graduate in Computers with 78% marks passed out in 1999 at the age of 23 years. Since then he is working as a Software Manager in an engineering firm. He doesn’t want to sign the bond for Rs. 50,000. He has cleared the selection test with 72% marks.

49. Nishant is an Electronics Engi-neer passed out in June 2002 at the age of 22 years. Since then he is working as a Programmer in a software company. He has pas-sed the selection test with 66% marks and is willing to sign the bond.

50. Kalyani is an engineer with 72% marks in Telecommunication. She has just completed 27 years of age. She has cleared the selection test with 59% marks. She is willing to sign the bond.

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